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Messages - Seiseki
Pages: 1 ... 5 6 [7] 8 9 ... 86

Pixel Art / Re: U-boat Girl
« on: February 15, 2016, 02:50:53 pm »
Yeah, I went a bit overboard..
The ship silhouette looks weird too, with that palette.

Pixel Art / U-boat Girl
« on: February 14, 2016, 11:27:45 pm »
So I'm trying something I've never done before..
I'm kinda happy with how it turned out, but there are some problematic areas..

I think the hair looks tentacle-ly, maybe if I ditched the heavy outlines?
The hair could probably flow a bit better, I think I just settled for something too quickly.

Also, she kinda looks like a giant with the ship in the background, I'm not sure how I can imply that the ship is further away.
I'm sure there are also a bunch of cluster and shading issues too..

Character Reference

Edit: Split ends to imply hair, better image size and spacing.

Edit2: Bunch of small tweaks, changed the palette..

Edit2: I gotta stop working on this... tweaked sky, changed palette so the water is more turquoise..

Devlogs & Projects / Re: Kickstarter thread!
« on: February 14, 2016, 02:37:06 am »
Oh yeah, I remember seeing that thread now..
I also saw that Cyangmou made the tilesets!  :y:

Devlogs & Projects / Re: Kickstarter thread!
« on: February 13, 2016, 07:26:49 pm »

This game looks amazing, I can't believe it's not getting more attention.

Challenges & Activities / Re: Hexquisite Corpse III
« on: February 03, 2016, 06:15:04 pm »
Awesome! Thanks for doing this!
Can't wait to see what crazy shapes these tiles will morph into..  :D

Pixel Art / Re: Chibi Archery Chick Shooting
« on: February 03, 2016, 02:38:51 pm »
Yeah, I figured the bow shape was due to her short arms..
Doesn't seem like there's a way to solve it, other than making it a recurve or composite bow of some kind.

Pixel Art / Re: Chibi Archery Chick Shooting
« on: February 03, 2016, 03:58:43 am »
I'm not an expert on bows, so tell me if I'm wrong. But doesn't a bow return to it's inital shape when you release it. This animation suggest that the initial shape is an almost straight stick.
The way the bow bends when she draws it, is the shape I'd imagine the bow would be in before she draws it.
And the way it bends forward feels completely unreal to me.

(very cute sprite though, love the colors of her clothing)

There are a few things that make this read as a female.
The skirt. The head piece which kinda looks like 80's hair.
The chest which bulges out. Hourglass body shape.

Your palette uses very similar colors which makes it harder to make parts stand out from each other.
For the headpiece, I'd recommend having a more contrasting color for the hair, or the headpiece, one of them has to stand out.
And maybe adding in some feathers if you want it to look more Native American and less like hair.

Pixel Art / Re: rpg portrait faces
« on: February 03, 2016, 01:14:20 am »
I really like this style! The sprites are very clean and colorful, awesome!

But your faces look very expressionless, there's a lot of room for exaggeration.
Look at anime faces on google and try for some more variety.

Pixel Art / Re: [C+C][WIP]Space Panzer and other things
« on: February 03, 2016, 12:50:27 am »
More color variation would be nice, for different materials. And lights in different colors.

I made an edit, went a bit overboard.
Feel free to directly copy and use parts or the entire thing.

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