I'm running some tests on it now.
Seems to work fine so far, but not done yet.
Here's a stupid example.
Pixels and colors are intact.
300 frames, 1 layer, 2 animation objects, shared tweened position animation.
Flash uses a nesting structure.
Putting this together went something like this.
This was actually pretty easy to put together.
Took me some time to remember the interface.
Flash is pretty terrible without proper hotkeys for manipulating the timeline, the default keys are not very friendly.
Once you get those setup it is pretty smooth.
Swapping objects and frames is useful.
The only thing that really bothered me is the the position tween measured out the spacing with 3 frames forward and 1 frame stopped to meet the destination at the correct time.
But that is to be expected with a timeline and 1 pixel bumps.
You can always break down tweens into frames and then adjust them by hand if it really matters.
Here's another with the Scene object layered over itself at different times.
Was fun and seems to work fine.
I might try to put together something more complex.
Also I could put together a guide at some point if you guys are interested but will take some time.
and move them around without being restricted by layers.
What exactly do you mean by this?