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Messages - Zia
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Pixel Art / Re: Grayscale textures
« on: July 03, 2016, 05:32:28 am »
Hmmm, while I suspect you were going for the head to be situated similarly to how a deer's would be, I feel like it looks odd in the context of how a bird holds its head. I also attempted to smooth out the transition a bit from the bird to the deer. A rough edit, but it might give you some ideas.

Pixel Art / Re: purple dragon egg on a purple rock
« on: June 26, 2016, 11:11:12 pm »
You've got some pretty heavy pillow shading going on there. It makes the egg look very flat rather than round. Here's a quick'n'dirty edit. I made the pedestal a bit more claw-like, and changed the colours around a little. I also made the egg smaller so the whole thing would fit within the original dimensions instead of going off the side. Don't be afraid of contrast and of picking a light source.

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP][CC] Sushibar scene
« on: June 11, 2016, 03:05:26 am »
Are the plates in the upper right meant to be in the background? If so, I'd recommend desaturating them and making them contrast less with the wall. Right now, they draw as much attention as the two people eating, who are the real focus of the image.

Pixel Art / Re: Character Animation [C+C]
« on: May 26, 2016, 01:35:51 am »
I don't have time to do an edit right now for you, but on smaller sprites like this, I often find back-and-forth idle animations (especially combat ones!) to be more effective than up-down ones. It might be something worth trying. Here's a pirate I did quite a while back that illustrates this.

Pixel Art / Re: Help me making a better game character portrait 64*64px
« on: January 18, 2016, 08:48:57 pm »
I honestly quite liked the tiger lady. Sure, perhaps a normal woman is more "safe," but it's also more generic. It's my personal preference to have games that have a more unique aesthetic and aren't afraid to go outside the box a little.

Don't sacrifice your ideas just for the sake of being "safe," in my opinion.

Pixel Art / Re: Silhouette Practice (With some Shading)
« on: January 17, 2016, 02:34:56 am »
I think it would read better if you went with a traditional microphone shape, like so:

Pixel Art / Re: Help me making a better game character portrait 64*64px
« on: January 17, 2016, 12:27:53 am »
I tried my hand at an edit. You can also go the route of upping all the saturation, which is what I tried to do here to show another option. I also viewed her as being rather cat-like, and tried to emphasize that. I made her neck a bit more delicate and feminine, along with some highlights along the clavicles. Not totally sure it's the style you're going for, but it might give you a few ideas.

I also feel like you have a lot of oranges bumping around that could be simplified into a smaller palette. I didn't really focus on that here, but there are several hues which are quite similar.

Pixel Art / Re: Help me making a better game character portrait 64*64px
« on: January 16, 2016, 09:20:56 pm »
I feel like your colours aren't particularly cohesive. Have you tried building a palette from your colours, so you can make sure each colour relates to those around it in some way? Those blues are REALLY far away from the oranges - if you desaturated them to match in that regard, you might have better results.

Pixel Art / Re: WIP - Forest Background Help, General Critique?
« on: January 09, 2016, 08:21:10 am »
Drazelic: man, perspective is consistently my achille's heel and something I definitely need to work on. It's easy to see after someone points it out to me, but I'm blind to it far too often while working on my own! That was an incredibly helpful post, and I'll be incorporating those ideas for certain. Thank you so much!

kullenberg: the grey is actually just my neutral background color that I work with; it's not meant to represent an overcast sky. It's just empty right now. There's currently no "sky" of any sort - I was going to have direct sunlight in the final product. I had pictured this as the first snowfall of a season, unexpectedly early, and not the height of winter.  I can understand the critique, but I like what I'm going for and am going to stick with it. The contrast of the leaves and the snow appeals to me.


After some edits, this is what we have thus far!

Pixel Art / WIP - Forest Background Help, General Critique?
« on: January 08, 2016, 06:25:46 am »
Image is meant to be viewed at 2x.

Backgrounds have chronically been my weakness. I'm not really sure what I should be putting in here, especially in the sky area. I've been studying clouds, but they don't quite "click" yet. The pine trees in the back are VERY work in progress, though the foreground tree trunks are relatively polished.

Additionally, I'm not sure I'm entirely happy with the forest floor texturing, but I'm also not sure how else to go about it. I couldn't find many examples of forest floor, since this perspective seems to be a little rare?

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