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Topics - Yar
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Pixel Art / Isometric 64 x 64 tileset
« on: December 31, 2009, 03:29:44 am »
Heya :)

Had some time and wanted to go back and have some fun doing some tilesets. I also wanted to donate some art to Spent a bit over a week (more time than I had set aside) using Graphics Gale on a Tablet PC.
Tiles are here:

A scene with the tiles:

Pretty weak composition. It was the last bit and I'd run out of steam. I did want to show at least a majority of what I thought the tileset could do.

Same scene without vegetation (which is fairly dense in the first version):

One of the problems I had are the taller grass tiles. I was trying to get a nice balance between readability / iconography and somewhat realistic style for these tiles and, due to the long 'strandy' nature of chest-high tall grasses, the tiles you see above were the best I could do. I did try some...I'm not sure how to explain this...'grouped'(?) clumps that only had jagged outlines on the top of the grass and pushed a lot of single blades into a single shape. It...did not work.

Any help would be appreciated

Pixel Art / [WIP] Long Time Witness, First Time Offender
« on: September 07, 2007, 03:44:11 am »
Heyas, Pixelation Peoples.
I've enjoyed this site quite a while, so thanks!

I finally got up the chutzpah to post some sprites here, and I'd love some C&C:

They're all 64x64 isometric perspective (or meant to be) standing frames from idle animations.

Pretty standard yawny character design, I suppose. I know there are some technical flaws in there such as probably having too much detail for their size (it seems that's my new favorite problem). They're also a bit too jagged, I think. Anyway, I'd appreciate any and all help on those or undiscovered problems.

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