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Messages - TheWing
Pages: [1]

Pixel Art / Re: Johnny J
« on: February 16, 2015, 07:50:38 pm »
added a few colours for some messy rock texture experiments...

i'm big on establishing trust with the player through clear visual language.
a general rule for this is to establish a hierarchy that when u blur ur eyes u can still clearly see things that r important to gameplay.

some ways i attempted this:
- aligned everything to a 16 pixel grid
- there is a roughly 2 pixel highlight where the solid edge is rather than a vague large flat area
- climable rocks use a similar but slightly darker shade than the solid edges to make them stand out and appear interactive. the texture here is also more detailed (made of more smaller bits) and regular than surrounding parts, which further attracts attention.

not sure i like the climable rocks but just wanted to mess with the idea.
the other perhaps more typical option was to put holes and small knobs in pattern.

That's damn neat pix-art, but looking at what wzl has been going towards I don't really see the link between these.. to put it shortly, to me that doesn't fit the style he's been going on with.

I also can't imagine anyone drawing a whole game worth of scenery on that level of detail.. tho I do like longer projects more, and this would of course lengthen the project :D

Great work anyhow, looking really awesome !

Pixel Art / Re: Johnny J
« on: February 11, 2015, 12:59:29 am »
As far as I recall, Another World had is palette be quite exclusively different shades of grayish blue, which made it feel more desolate than dark (at least in my mind)... Ofc it has other colours, and to support the feel, those other colours are brighter and generally a bit more saturated.. the general palette being blueish and rather gray. In many screens Another World also has a lot of empty space, which is usually quite dark, making it feel darker without obstructing the view too much; no actions happen in the dark outsides. And to top it off, the game has very flat shadings and sharp shadows, eliminating some borders of stuff.. at least in cutscenes I believe?

I really like the jacket, makes up for good spelunking-gear !

Pixel Art / Re: Johnny J
« on: February 04, 2015, 11:48:54 pm »
It works way better in game, no need for parallax :D

But guess the blending (the ceiling) should be of some different color? maybe darker than the actual wall?

Pixel Art / Re: Johnny J - Animated
« on: February 04, 2015, 11:41:47 pm »
The silhouette would certainly make certain things a lot easier.. But I guess the way other gfx is now it wouldn't really fit?

Pixel Art / Re: Johnny J - Animated
« on: February 04, 2015, 10:43:10 pm »
Oho, I kinda like the idea of having the animation determine how fast and how long distances J traverses... but to me this kinda means somewhat a loss of physics, which would be something I'd perhaps like.

Having played the older ungame-edition (which had the abstractish blue tileset), I wouldn't want to lose the fluidity of movement you got going on in that. It wasn't perfect but worked really nicely... so if you can manage to blend that into this frame-based thing, good job :3

Pixel Art / Re: Johnny J
« on: February 04, 2015, 10:34:51 pm »
..In the lower part of the cave i tried to blend the background with the floor and ceiling, but it turned out more chaotic than it should be. especially the ceiling doesn't read well like that...

Yeah, the ceiling at least shouldn't be blended like that; the "border" of the ceiling and the background isn't really visible in that perspective (shouldn't be). That being said, I hope J goes under the bit of that ceiling ;PP

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