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Messages - Euphronios
Pages: 1 [2]

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] First Portrait [myself]
« on: January 29, 2009, 05:00:40 pm »
Please start here:;

I don't think you're on the wrong track right now. You just need to keep in mind that one of several hundred pieces you do right now is going to be something you'll want to continue with. Read a little of what you'd like to know and then fill ten more canvases.

I believe a novice should try to keep in mind the proper ratios and that you shouldn't try to break the rules until you know them.
This is not to say that you should overlay all of your work with the proper ratios and do all the math because that would make art really shitty and boring for you. Just look at the stuff and keep it in the back of your mind as you paint.

On to your work:
It appears that you've layed down an oval to represent the head structure. I think the piece as a whole spirals down from here. Reform the head to clearly define your very strong mandible and mentalis. I believe the correct placement of the features will become very apparent to you afterward.

It seems you've used an auto dither brush. Bleh.

As I said, I don't think you're too far off the path just keep filling canvas.

Pixel Art / Re: Kickboxer sprite and animations
« on: January 21, 2009, 02:50:25 am »
Not sure if you care about the palette at this point but It seems pretty washed out and is killing a lot of the depth. I also dropped about 10 colors that weren't helping. That sort of thing makes animating easier as well as saves the work from becoming muddy.
You may not need quite so much contrast but I think the volumes are much more readable this way.

I would suggest speeding up the jab. I know its only four frames right now but maybe change the timing. Remember that fist is the only thing between his face and another fist, you've gotta get it out and back fast.
Some secondary motion on the trunks would be nice. They're usually a really light fabric so there should be a good amount of flow to them.
Other than that the motions feel pretty natural.

Pixel Art / I have no dessert. . .
« on: January 15, 2009, 02:54:00 pm »
The palette is great; you've provided nice contrast.
Silhouette is solid and the character is very readable.
She's cute as a button.

I say STOP. Don't do anything else to this piece.
Unless you feel inclined to make her do one of those lithe Betty Boop dances.

Wonderful work
I'd like to see the next one with a full 4bit palette.

Pixel Art / Revised
« on: January 09, 2009, 02:29:45 am »
Revision Above.

Warmed up the two lighter colors and tried to apply both of your ideas. It took quite some figuring to do this effectively.
I dropped the darkest shade as it seemed to be extraneous.
Since the image is so damned monochromatic I had a very difficult time finding a midrange antialiasing color that worked. I'm still not sure that I did.
Better or worse?

Thanks again.

Pixel Art / Simple female portrait 90X120
« on: January 06, 2009, 08:28:13 pm »
Just trying to get back into dot work.

11 colors including transparency
I was shooting for 12 colors but couldn't see a use for another as I progressed.
No Dither because I'm not ready for it yet.

Reference Images
I grabbed these after the initial sketch and basic modeling stages to help ground the image.

I'd love to know what fresh eyes think about it and what I can do to enhance my work.

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