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Messages - MizukiUkitake
Pages: [1]

Pixel Art / Re: Extremely shaded Homestuck sprite
« on: September 29, 2016, 11:47:21 am »
Is this better?

Pixel Art / Extremely shaded Homestuck sprite
« on: September 29, 2016, 09:20:58 am »
So someone had commissioned a homestuck sprite (or rather, my friend owed them a sprite and wasn't upholding his half of the deal after being payed), and while I was toying with the base, I ended up getting quite carried away with my experimental shading, and four hours later, I ended up with this.

I wasn't happy with the grub's hair, so I followed this DA tutorial -> for the adult hair.

I'm so super proud of myself, I just had to share it! I've never made anything that looked this pretty before! I'm sure it could use a couple of adjustments though, I'm sure I messed up while trying to follow that tutorial. It has a very spider-web/butterfly look, I think, which isn't too terrible, but I wouldn't be surprised if someone had a better idea that I could apply to the third and final piece of the commission. :)

I added a really awful ponytail in an attempt to make him look more like a prince, less like a nerd.

Pixel Art / Pokemon-style animation
« on: September 20, 2016, 01:26:27 pm »
So I've been dabbling in pixel art for about a year, here and there, and during that time, I've been thinking about making a fanmade pokemon game (or fakemon rom hack, as some call them).
Well, since I'm far from ready to actually do that, I've settled for animations that take place in the Pokemon universe.
I'm pretty proud of myself, but I feel like it could be improved.. I used a lot of bits from official games (backgrounds, really), and in my own opinion, it leaves a lot to be desired. I wanted to go for a superstar diva feel, but... I think it shows that everything's chopped together?
My original vision for it was a flashy stage with a crowd and cameras and lights! Somewhere along the way, I lost that.

I guess what I'm trying to say is I know I want to make it look better, but I'm not sure how.

(I'm working entirely in Photoshop and ImageReady, if that makes any difference in the animation quality)

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