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Messages - NyanNyanKoneko
Pages: 1 ... 6 7 [8] 9 10

I live in California.  There's an international competition going on along side the UK compo.

Secondly, I don't think the amateurs only rule applies to the non UK compo since the reason they only want amateurs is because the big prize for the UK compo is a chance to break into the games industry.

The big prize for the international compo is...  a big pat on the back.   ;D

So don't worry, there's no reason we can't do Tetris Attack.   ;D

EDIT: I just confirmed your elegability with the people running the international compo.  You are good to go.  I would really like to work with you on this Tetris Attack remake.

General Discussion / Re: The Official Pixelopolis Off-Topic Thread
« on: October 21, 2005, 08:10:45 am »
*Looks at post above*

I found Waldo!   :D

Great costume!

Chilly, you're on!  If we finish early, we'll do a tetris attack remake.

EDIT: Actually, I think we can probably do tetris attack and the other game at the same time.  Are you up for it?

Evan IMed me and since we were supposed to work together on the last project (some family issues came up), we decided to work together on the first project.  Hopefully, we'll have time to work on several titles, since we have over a month.   ;D

Here's a few of ideas of my own in case someone likes them:

Console-style RPG about existentialism.
A platform (SOTN style) RPG.
A strategy game (like FF Tactics).
Star Fox Remake
Kid Icarus Remake
Beatmania IIDX or Dance Dance Revolution Remake.
A cute platformer.
Super Mario Land remake.
Fighting Game
A game where you jump really high, breaking stuff along the way, into a psychedelic journey into the unknown.

General Discussion / Re: Retro Remakes 2005 Compo: Anyone want to help?
« on: October 18, 2005, 10:51:52 pm »
I have GREAT news!!!

This time, it doesn't have to be a remake!  It can be any game!  Furthermore, I have no ideas that I have to do, so...

Let me know what games you want to make!

I will program any game you want, original, remake, or a sequel to a game that had no sequel.

If you always wanted to make a game, 2D or 3D (or both), now is your chance to see it made.

The official rules are up:

Alright, let's have fun.  =)

EDIT: We'll be entering the international competition, not the UK-only compo.

EDIT 2: Post below if you're still interested and what ideas you have.  If we have time, I may be able to do 2 or 3 games.  I'll randomly pick whoever sounds the most excited.   :P

General Discussion / Re: Retro Remakes 2005 Compo: Anyone want to help?
« on: October 18, 2005, 12:18:49 am »
I was going to wait to post info when the compo page actually comes up.  Until then, you can read about it in the retro remakes forum.

Oh, and I am still open to suggestions for the game to remake.   ;D

General Discussion / Re: Introductions
« on: October 17, 2005, 11:25:47 pm »
My name is Kaitlyn.

I am more of a programmer than an artist.

Everyone knows that I'm better than anyone, ever.

I like making video games, flying, and being a role model for others to live up to.

I'm in college.

It's not easy being better than everyone else.   ::)

EDIT: I changed the subject.  Look below for the rules.  If you want to see a game made, let me know and we'll do it.

Sorry for the long hiatus.  School just started and I got sick.

Anyways, I have good news!  Tomarrow begins the retro remakes 2005 competition.  I thought someone here might want help out doing art or music (it's fun getting your art into an actual game.)  I'll help with art and what-not too, but I should really focus on doing the programming.

Anyways, I haven't picked a game to remake yet (I'm thinking about Kid Icarus though).  So if you want to help out, maybe we can remake a game you really want to do, like Animal Crossing or something.   ;D


Pixel Art / Re: Anime Guy
« on: September 19, 2005, 07:51:50 am »
The missing eyes scare me.   :(

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