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Messages - adman32
Pages: [1]

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Cave Background
« on: March 21, 2013, 01:33:14 am »
Worked on the very back layer some more and fixed some of the issues with the ceiling on the frontmost layer.

@ Elk: The backgrounds I'm working on are quite large and require a fair amount of detail, as that's the style I've chosen for them. As I said earlier, you won't see the entire background in frame, this screencap should give you an idea of how much you see with the character/tiles/background in frame at once:

Please note that the tiles are just place holders for now, they're actually just colour shifted tiles from another level that I worked on. :P

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Cave Background
« on: March 19, 2013, 02:05:22 am »
I really like this. (I'll be honest here, I actually just saved it to my reference folder, heh)

It's hard to tell without seeing the foreground layer where the player will be on but I might go as far as saying the closest background layer is almost TOO detailed. It might just be me though. Is the closest layer the one the player will be on or is it the first tier of background? If no, do you have an example with the game level tiles in place?

Thanks for the replies everyone! I'm glad you like it. Just to clear up a few things, There will be tiles in front of this background that the player actually runs on, and you wont see the whole background in the frame at once, just part of it. For reference, here's a shot (very outdated) of another level showing some tiles with the background (same dimensions) behind it.

@Pypebros: Thanks for the feedback! I'll probably work some more on those highlights at some point, but I do think the front layer needs another colour for some edge lighting/highlights. With the river, i'll widen the point where it comes in and make it clearer where it's coming from. I'd also like to have a couple of frames of animation on the river to show it's flowing as well.

Also, here's an update on the image, I've done some work on the middle layer, so please comment on that:

Pixel Art / [WIP] Cave Background
« on: March 15, 2013, 01:00:44 am »
Hi there!
I'm currently working on a background for a game, and thought I'd post it up here for some C+C. Keep in mind this is heavily WIP, and is subject to change. I've blocked out the shading and forms on the front layer, and will start adding pixel level detail in a second and third pass. There will be 3 separate layers with parallax scrolling. What do you think?

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