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Messages - Red_Mist
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Pixel Art / Re: tomatohead
« on: March 21, 2010, 03:45:11 pm »
Why do you only have a black outline on the top half?
No reason really, I'm colorblind and I thought the transition looked okay. After talking to a few more people about it, they said either outline all of it in black or do away with it completely... so I got rid of all black except the eyes... altho, I think I'm leaning toward changing the eyes as well.

I think he wants to focus on the shading, and once that's done, he'll move on to coloring the animation.
Yup, thats about right.

Best thing to do would be to get some tomatoes and sketch them experimenting with different light sources and directions.
Don't pixel until you're feeling familiar with how tomatoes behave with light.

Second best: google some refs. In both cases, sketch lots before pixelling.
Very good idea. I will try a few tomatoes on paper today before I start... maybe upload what I come up with. I'm sure what I can do on paper will be more realistic than what I intend to do with this animation. I want it to be a bit more cartoonish.. after all it does have eyes and a mouth. But its a great idea and worth the time to do.

Is there any reason for the way the animation is so far?
Not really, I drew a picture of a head, thought it looked neat and wanted to animate it. I actually wanted to make a jelly like alkalines or Jads avatar but a couple things happened. 1)I didn't like how it was turning out. The technique they used was a bit more complicated then I had first imagined. 2)The forum has enough jelly's on it. You can say they were an inspiration for the animation tho.
Do you have an aim of what the animation is showing?
Uhg, your not gonna like my response to this question...
Short, No.
The aim at first was subtle movements. rather than scrapping it completely, I decided to add in a few more frames to see what it would look like and I liked it. :/
I basically started with three key frames on paper. the first one basic perspective. The second one he was looking up. and the third was a front view. I imported it and pixeled it
It seems a bit odd to me at the moment, i'd suggest having a clear understanding of what you're trying to make with the animation. Sortof looks like he's making the noise of an alarm heheh.
Your right Larwick. I didn't have a main idea as too what I was trying to achieve. Truth is, I sketched out a silly head on paper and I thought it might look neat animated.
I should probably work on polishing my ideas a bit more before diving into a piece. Its hard to do when you have an itch to pixel something! :D

Thanks for all the questions on this Its giving me alot to think about.
All in all tho, I am learning alot so far with this one, I hope that it can teach me a few things about volume and shading. If I can pick up a few animating tips along the way, more power to me!

Pixel Art / tomatohead
« on: March 20, 2010, 10:18:23 pm »
its a tomato... head thing...

heres the anim I'm going 4

and here is where I need some help or direction... I'm once again struggling with shading so I want to get it right before finishing this up.

In the end, I would like to make this 2x and use it as my avatar. Thanks!

small update suggested by my brother...
and then...

Pixel Art / Re: Working On some Rocks
« on: March 05, 2010, 11:32:51 pm »
Just wanted to make an update... Obviously by constantly changing the way I'm doing things... i'm not making progress with the platform.. but the idea is to make progress with my abilities not the ficticious platformer that isnt going anywhere. Right!?

So.. I played around with some more rock ideas.. and came up with this...

After comming back to it I was like BLAH! What was I thinking... I felt like I had taken a step backwards and Decided to study some metal Slug.

The result I think is much better. And I'm constantly learning.. I cant believe the difference! Now thats not to say We cant still improve so, I could use some feedback!

Pixel Art / Re: Working On some Rocks
« on: March 04, 2010, 04:50:32 am »
I hope you guys dont think I abandoned the layered attempt to soon, It was really buggin me that I didnt tile them, so I started over again to impliment that.
I also really didn't like the "layered effect" I achieved. Altho intesting, My goal was to make solid rocks and not layers, rather then fix it I just started over... but I think This has more promise! Dusty mentioned. (At the same time, you could do things to the top layer of rocks/ground to make it stand out as well, such as increasing contrast, details, maybe the size of the rocks, etc.)
I'm definately gonna do this on this verion of my rock attempt!

Dusty! thanks for the feedback here and in the chat room! Much appreciatied!
UltimaOdin! Definately think I improved on the shading... I will probably mess with the colors more once its finished... imageready is pretty good about palette manipulation. Thanks!
Chris! I thought your advice was the biggest influence on me that was posted so far. I took your advice and found some great refs.. I think its helped me out a bit, tho my artistic ability (or lack there of) keeps me from pushing realism as much as I wanted too.

Pixel Art / Working On some Rocks
« on: March 03, 2010, 03:29:32 am »
So I think I may have made a post about some rocks a while back, and am taking another stab at it. These rocks are for practicing basically. not for a mockup or game or anything.
My first attempt was mainly to see if I could tile some rock platform. I think I achieved my goal as it tiles well, and looks rockish, altho I guess It could stand some improvement.
I used this same method for my secret santa gift this year if anyone missed it!

I then decided that I wanted something a bit more realistic, so I decided to go back and try this again! This time I wasn't so worried about tiling and focused more on the shape of a rock.
Altho Its not horrible, its still lacking in texture and lighting, but I think a more 3d effect was achieved.

After that, I thought I could take it a step further. I started over. Thinking I had a grasp on things I began my next set of rocks, after the attempt I think the overall effect looked neat, but not quite what I imagined in my head. I tried to take some advice on colors and highlights but I dont think I quite understood. Also, the new set almost looks like layers of bricks or rocks hovering on rocks. Definately not what I was trying to achieve.

Trying not to get discouraged, I remembered that I wanted to also "focus" on texture. Somebody suggested that I dither to give the rocks texture so in my last pic you can see what was achieved. I also messed with the palet to go from 28 colors to only 10. I also changed the format from gif to png in the process.

So overall, I am still not satisfied. I'm planning on starting a 4th set of rocks to illiminate the brick effect and make it appear more like rock comming out of the earth. Go back to making it
tileable I think. I would love to hear your suggestions and hope to post an update soon!

I hope you guys dont think I abandoned the layered attempt to soon, It was really buggin me that I didnt tile them, so I started over again to impliment that.
I also really didn't like the "layered effect" I achieved. Altho intesting, My goal was to make solid rocks and not layers, rather then fix it I just started over... but I think This has more promise!

General Discussion / IRC Chat #pixelation
« on: February 25, 2010, 08:59:56 pm »
Hello, Just wanted to remind everyone here on the boards that there is still a Chat room available to those who wish to share works, get real-time critiques and meet people that share a common interest!  The chat room has been around almost as long as the forums and is always ready and waiting for new people!

While the boards are not monitored directly by the people here at wayofthepixel, I can assure you that the people who are running the show in the chat room are just as dedicated to being honest, fun, and fair as the people here. #pixelation Could use a few "more talented" full time or regular individuals to join the ranks so please stop by and show us what you got! the Chat room IS NOT intended as a replacement for the forum. You will never get a better critique or better help on your works as you can here on the Forums, but you may find Answers to questions that have been asked over and over again here on the forums that have become buried over time or just hard for newer pixelers to find. That way you can save some headaches here plus you may even find some new friends, who knows!

Some things #pixelation can provide are as follows:
1)  A place for noobs and advanced pixel artists alike wanting to get faster, real time critiques.
2)  A place to show off or share your current  pixel works or even non pixel art you may be working on, that may not be ready for the boards...
3)  A place for people to bring there works closer to something that would attract more hits on the forum.
4)  A place for up and coming pixel artist to meat some pixel legends and for the legends to meet their fans!
5)  A place to hang out and have a good time. And to get to know your fellow pixelers!

For anyone familiar with IRC, The board is hosted on:  channel: #pixelation
You can also visit temporarily via web chat by going to  Use this till they fix the link: There you just have to enter a Username and Channel Name:
Ex)PixelFan would be the user name and Pixelation would be the chat room to enter. (No need for adding the # sign)

Again, this is not a replacement for the boards, rather, I like to consider it an expansion to the ever growing community here on pixilation and pixeljoint.
I definitely hope to get some feedback and suggestions and hope that the mods here approve of this post .

Archived Activities / Re: Secret Santa 2009! GIFTS GET!
« on: December 25, 2009, 04:04:21 pm »
Thanks you so much Lollige for the gift... All the Eye candy from gifts this year made me temporarily black out and see Jar Jar. Then I realized it was etna and you made my X-mas Day! lol.. Jar Jar... like you would have done that. Huggles Lollige.

Great Job Everyone! So close having an aneurysm this year... its a myricle nobody got hurt looking at all these!
Merry X-Mas!

Pixel Art / jeepescape
« on: December 22, 2009, 04:01:05 pm »
Okay... so I have this idea for a game... basically its gonna be isometric. Direction is gonna be fixed in the s.e. direction.
The idea is kind of a cross between excite bike and dinorun a game I currently fell in love with by pixeljam for its simplicity.
Dont have alot here but the main sprite I would be working with is this jeep.
Not sure If I wanna pixel in a driver but would probably be cool for ejection scenarios and to add a little blood and gore to the game... :o
Eventually I'll post some backgrounds and enemy sprites... but for now gonna see where this takes me...

here it is so far

My main issues are the bumper and the fender. to keep readablity on the sprite while its moving, I may keep the black outline not sure yet.
I'm happy overall with how it looks so I'll probably start on this one very soon... c/c appreciatied.

Pixel Art / Re: A couple of things...
« on: December 20, 2009, 02:53:27 am »
Hmm... well, The snake its kinda bland imo...

The other sprites seem to have potential tho... maybe try getting rid of the black inlines for some added detail, try using contrast to build interior lines in your sprites instead of using solid black which can take up valuable realestate.

Keep it up! :y:

2D & 3D / window
« on: December 15, 2009, 01:45:50 am »
lol, got this idea watching my little girl playing around with mspaint... Wish I had saved the original she made. Its amazing some of the things little ones come up with; how they inspire us... maybe I'll take this one a step further maybe not, just wanted to share.

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