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Messages - Scuba Steve
Pages: 1 ... 10 11 [12] 13 14 15

Pixel Art / Re: Adult Sakura
« on: January 04, 2006, 11:09:50 pm »
What's good taste?  :P

Scuba's second piece:

Nice pants, you're wasting the blue shade on the coat, too close to black right now. Generally a simple but effective sprite. I'd aa the little bit of facial hair there, but no biggie.
Wasted how so?  I wasn't specifically trying to stick to a specific palette limit.  I could have snagged the dark blues fro his shirt but I kind of liked the dark blue jacket highlights, what would you have suggested?

Entirely up to you.

There's no time limit.

St0ven: Why am I under the impression that you're not actually that rugged looking?

M Bison: That's a decent picture, but could you go for something a bit more original?  I don't feel like adding a pre existing fighting character.

Schu: Something about the simplicity of that drawing and the shading just sucks me in.

Gazette: ...


I mean like a background... like the one in the upper right corner behind the character.


A friend of mine saw this thread and asked if I would draw a character of him.

Probably best to leave them stationary.

You can make more... but I'll only use one for now.  When things start to slow down, if there are any open space I'll fill them with second entires to fill the whole thing up.  I'm not sure how many people will submit stuff, this is kindof touch and go.

I'll look into Cycling... but I'd rather have everything on one central main screen.  If you want me to use a different sprite and portrait than already listed, let me and I'll swap them for the time being.

General Discussion / Re: The Official Pixelation Off-Topic Thread
« on: January 03, 2006, 12:36:13 am »
Three activities my foot, it's one broke up into 3 threads.  Regardless, nice to see you take a hard line stance on a petty mistake and the fun that would have ensued.


So go :P

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