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Messages - st0ven
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Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Dungeon Scene
« on: July 22, 2008, 06:08:59 am »

just posting a really rough experiment focusing on getting a more gritty atmospheric dungeon feel here. im afraid im not trying to make points for pixel prety presentation,  but im just trying to alter some of the texture a bit to give you some idea of how both the brick i the textures could be shaded with color to give it more of a painterly vibe, and also to experiment with some more atmospheric use of color and light. even my example isnt really currently all that exciting when it comes to the lighting, ive hinted at some things that could evolve into interesting bits, notably the brickwork on the wall and the molding near the floor, but its remaining relatively a little dark even still. what this piece needs to shine is a really strong sense of foreground lighting scheme that will cast interesting and powerful light and shadow. ive begun to block that out on the wall, the floor in general is left a little lacking. in fact the way the rock texture in itself exists, the perspective is rather broken. when you have an evident horizon as you do in this image and you have a cobble/stone floor texture, in order to maintain the illusion of depth, the actual rock textures have to grow larger as they approach the camera's fixed point or else the illusion of depth is ultimately shattered. i think its worth redoing the cobble work completely to get a consistent and accurate perspective on the stones, otherwise this piece will not work no matter how well its detailed. you can achieve some pretty dramatic lighting effects in the foreground, and so long as that tunnel remains very dark you wont completely  lose the brilliance of the light at the end of the tunnel.

i feel a bit apologetic that im leaving it rather half unrendered still, but im more or less just trying to help illustrate the points is all. will be checking in here n there to see how it turns out.

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Dungeon Scene
« on: July 22, 2008, 12:24:02 am »
id say before you go any further with detail pixel work, i think you should consider throwing a lot more color theory at it and see what sticks.

so youve got this tunnel of light/fire which breathes warmth out onto the otherwise grim, ghastly dungeon-like cobblestone environment. yet the only evidence of the warmth that i see is some minor ambient light blobs being cast on the upper edges of the cobblestone. Take a look at the cooler tones used down the length of the corridor... they share the same purple hue that you are using for the foreground open room area. if you want to give that room back there some real fire, try keeping the shadow tones in the orangish/reddish area (if youre an advanced color user, using a lot of desaturated greens or magentas might lend well here just the same, so long as theyre more grey than saturated). Right now the purple creeps up too closely to the intensely heated room behind the distant door.

Another thing which will punch some life into this to really make the eye catch the heat in the distance is to really darken that tunnel to a near black , particularly in the middle of the corridor where the light from either room isnt able to quite reach very well. its this play of light to very dark to back to light (very quickly) which is going to establish that strong contrast youre going to need to really make this reddish fire look like its searing, piping hot.

In general, subduing the saturation of the purple, more particularly in the mid and shadow tones, would do this piece well, and would help give it more of a natural feel in its lighting.

when i get home ill mock up some examples.

Pixel Art / Re: girl portrait (anime style)
« on: June 24, 2008, 03:38:50 am »
Hey Ryona i really like your ranma-esque style that you exemplified in your post. its got that classic anime feel to the features that are definitely spot on. its interesting to see the progression of peoples edits to see how they interpret the style.

i took a little stab at a rendering the face and trying not to deviate too far from the original face/hair structure.

im not sure if your ear sticks out, but i definitely had the same idea as ryona to expose the ear, its just got that stylish haircut feel to it and gives the side of the head a bit more mass to it. Currently because the hair style protrudes so far off of her left side, her right side feels a little unbalanced. adding that ear helps that out a bit.

i dont really know what youve planned to do with the body but i had narrowed the neck a bit, but more importantly really simplified the line work here. its more customary for female anime style faces to have a very smooth, nondescript neck, mostly shadowed over slightly by the head where it meets the base of the chin.

mouth placement wise, i tried givin her a little lip, and lowered and simplified the nose a bit.

the biggest thing i wound up modifying was the palette. i happen to like purplish things :/ and so i experimented pushing the skin tone to be more of a reddish hue rather than an orange. i indicated the palette int he image as well to the right to see where i was going with this. the skintones fade in hue from the peachish skin tone to pinks as it blends to the purple. the hair and eye accents also use that same purple color and the highlights start shifting more to blue. i dont think there was necessarily anything wrong with your palette choices, i was just sort of experimenting.

all in all i still like ryona's edit the most so far, its probably the most on-style for what youre looking to reproduce. as you can see youre really not that far off with your features, just a little extra pixel tech will really make it pop with sexy cleanliness.

umm if i were to spend more time on my rendition there are a few more things id readdress on my rendition, (so far liking ryonas the best) but i suppose different viewpoints never really hurt.

General Discussion / PLEASE READ: Temp server [RESOLVED]
« on: August 30, 2006, 10:23:44 pm »
First of all, id like to thank Dan for being our temporary saving grace for giving us this space for a brief period of time. Some things are being ironed out with a more stable, capable host. I apologize for the short inconvenience.

ill expect this switch to happen no later than a week from now, ill post a warning to let everyone know when this will go down so there are no surprises.

keep the pixels purple,


General Discussion / Re: Namco x Capcom
« on: July 28, 2006, 05:15:23 pm »
bob and george forums have a wealth of clever 'references' for those of us pixel artists looking to cite specific examples from our favorite 2d games. if someone there doesnt directly post images within a thread, its likely that they at least have a link to some of the stuff youre hoping to find.

Pixel Art / Re: Bam!
« on: July 25, 2006, 12:52:01 am »
aside from mere trifling color comments (though i think that the progression of hue mixture that resulted from the ping-ponging of posts has very much improved the initial version), i have some comments about the motion itself.

first of all, his stance feels way too open for me. if i were holding a rather large gun that had a significant recoil, if i was standing what seems like perfectly straight, with my feet spread wide in a manner which negated all stability bending my knees would have otherwise provided, i think the recoil would make me fall over. i just don tthink the angle of his leg is in any position to absorb such a shock, and i get the feeling that he should kindof just topple over after the first blast. if you turn his foreground leg in a manner that his knee was sticking somewhere in the same direction the gun was firing, that would be a bit more realistic, but note that a lot of his weight would be leaning on the leg in the background (if he leans too far back on the leg in the foreground he would not be stable enough to absorb that blow.

also, the recoil i think is well done, but when the gun is repositioned, it actually goes a pixel farther than the initial point of which it was held when the gun was held. this is either an unnatural reaction that the man firing the gun has everytime he fires, or sir isaac newton truly was a fool. i think you have the idea straight, that the initial blast would displace the gun backwards rather quickly, but the return motion would be much more gradual, and shouldnt exceed the initial firing point in this case.

hes tiny, but i think your animated elements look rather nice, at least for the blast and subsequent smoke. looking at the animation again, i think i get this 'im going to fall over' feel from it because it appears there is a good bunch of horizontal shifting done on the character rather than re-plotting the pixels in an appropriate manner

General Discussion / Re: Post your oldest piece of pixel art.
« on: July 24, 2006, 11:42:49 pm »
yikes, what a great(embarrasing) thread...

the ever classic...


Pixel Art / Re: Coat of arms
« on: July 04, 2006, 11:22:35 pm »
well, i can see how the not-so-verbose can post nothing more than 'oooh-aaaah', but im really starting to get a bit tired of those posts personally.. .not that everything has to be scrutinized to death, but i think that someone could point out that 'sparkliness' does not have to be a direct result of a little twinkle animation... in fact, despite really liking the design of things, all the sparklies really make it too confusing to look at if you ask me. When i think of 'sparklies' like that, i think one of two things.

A. final fantasy 6 heal spell,
B. a gem/jewel/high class diamond shimmering in some light, (and even then they would be done for either comical effect or through movement of the item, refracting the light in a brief instant in a manner that might catch the 'camera's eye).

so if you have some of those studded metal pieces that are round (and would probably look really nice as rubies or diamonds or something) then i think the flashie effect would work really well there.

otherwise, i think you should be defining these high reflection areas with ample contrast only. the chest plate grate thing and the little loop of metal around the waist is a great use of this without the sparklies. As for the leafy things, perhaps on the outskirts of the heavy outlines, you could have some ambient reflections near the edges , much like you have done (very nicely) on osmi's head? id also think it would work appropriately around the outside edge of the gold trimming on the shield, to really give it that shine. perhaps you could introduce one more bright yellow color that would segue the white reflection in the gold into the next darkest (and quite literal) 'gold' tone you have established, i think in some of the smoother areas that might look quite nice to AA the highlights (sans sparklies) to the rest of the gold tones.

i really do like the shield effect, looks nice and glass-like. the creative design in the entire piece is really quite fun and interesting, and id defiinitely recognize it as you as soon as i saw it.

oh, one last thing... while as a whole this is a really nice image... i cant get over how muddled and neglected the head-piece looks in comparison to the rest of the gold and the octopus guy... :( perhaps the red is too dark and i htink that black outline in there is killing its continuity. that fluff needs to look brighter perhaps?

anyhow i thought it would be nice to give some real comments on your piece, i hope you dont mind, im just a little tired of the 'whoazQQ!!!1' kindof posts around here (casts hard eyes around)  <_<   >_>   <_<.

Pixel Art / Re: "Leader of those armies bright"
« on: June 29, 2006, 07:04:59 am »

i wanted to play with the colors really fast. Incidentally, im actually a bit surprised, given your style of color choices in the past, that you didnt go with a green ambience rather than the blue that you chose. i feel that blue+red = cold and hot kindof 'fire and ice' thing that seems a bit ehh... over dramatic?.

I think its a cool study, i like the grittiness of the piece, i can tell you did it in a relatively fast amount of time... if you were to go ahead and take this piece further, i think you could go ahead and start creating dithered shades to weave some more subtle detail, particularly into the cloudy/misty environment (as i think it would give a bit of texture to the atmosphere and make some of the color shifts smoother).

I couldnt exactly follow what was going on with his face... and while its kindof a cool effect, its also kindof frustrating not to be able to really discern how grotesque his facial features are, perhaps that creates more tension in the pic, or perhaps it creates frustration, i dont know. also, im not really following the shape of the leg on the right. the ambience on the left leg makes it a lot easier to pick out the muscular structure of that leg, but the one on the right seems kindof benign in comparison (ok now im officially using words completely out of logical context, moreso than usual!). The wings look sexeh, but the straightness that the wings have while drooping down sorta seems just too... well, vertical. id like to see the wing on the left curve a bit more to match the symmetry of that on the right (in proper perspective of course).

delicious otherwise... well actually i think the font is not as legible as it could be but that doesnt really seem part of the artful part of the piece.

i think referencing helm's 4 color piece would do well to gather ideas as to how to go about adding more detail to this piece, if you decide that is what you want to do.

*edit*   upon further examination, adarias, i think your colors are, unsurprisingly, much more adarias-like than mine, bahahah. hope you dont mind the variation though :)

Pixel Art / Re: graphic for my site
« on: June 29, 2006, 06:24:13 am »
well looking at this thread i can see why this hasnt gotten a lot of commentary on it, aside from it not being finished, it makes it hard for people to say short praise for an item that is only half finished, and to that effect, you cant comment on half the stuff one would comment on (such as use of lighting, color, technique, etc) when there isnt much to see.

the design is interesting enough, though i think that the facial features of this guy seem a little bland (kindof the round face, pointy , nondescript eyes, fangs, almost cartoonish horns popping out of the head). he doesnt look very... well, fearsome, but rather some dude out of an image comic book. 

These kinds of peices are so hard, because the anatomy and the actual figure drawing behind something like this, basically makes or breaks the image. and it does no good to proceed with the details without getting that most fundamental stage perfect.... and we arent quite there yet with this piece. The more i draw the more i learn i personally know nothing (or not nearly as much as i need to ) about the very specifics of anatomy, so i understand how hard this can be.

proportionally, the arm/shoulder/back are very large when compared to the size of the neck and head itself it seems. i like how the cape is draping over his figure, though at this point it really lacks any comprehension of dynamism, which is ever so important to get the cloth to appear not to hover over top the image. the anatomy of the neck does not feel accurate at all, you seem to be portraying the trapezoidal muscle groups to merge directly into the base of the skull, when they really would otherwise seem to attach half way down the neck (otherwise we wouldnt have a back of our neck). well second look at it, they clearly arent trapezoid muscles, but the way they merge together make it seem like the are being formed much in the same way... they just look too thick and divided.

actually.. dont you have a more recent version than this? i had some comments on the back muscles having a similar sort of overexaggerated, over simplified feel to them (very comic-esque in style i suppose) but then as i llooked at the image for reference its all blank there.

anyhow if youre holding out on us pixelopolis folks, i think they need to see a complete effort of what you can do before they can really put the time into critiquing and giving their best advice. kindof follow me there? it seems youve got a tendency to kindof half way finish things and then as you make a but of progress on something you just kindof stop at that and stay stuck. you need to really just stay motivated to finish these peices so you can get past the phase of showing it around to the point of pushing it near completion .

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