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Messages - Checkworth
Pages: 1 ... 3 4 [5] 6

Pixel Art / Re: [Wip] Pirate Penguin
« on: December 10, 2006, 03:06:15 pm »
Nice  ;D

Random suggestions:

-- Make the belt curve around the penguin's fat belly, to give him more volume
-- On the feet and beak, you're basically wasting a color. The two shades of yellow look the same when it's zoomed out -- maybe try a darker yellow?
-- I know you're not done shading, but I'll crit it anyway :) The belly looks like it's shaded directly from the front, but the beak looks like it's shaded from the top, and the rest of the piece isn't shaded at all. Pick a lightsource and shade *dramatically*, with darker shadows and brighter highlights than you think you need ;) Contrast covers a multitude of sins!  :lol:
-- You might try some less-saturated reds and yellows, to make the feet and clothes blend into the piece more
-- Bigger hook!  :P

Overall I think the lines are cute and it's coming along nicely :D

Pixel Art / [WIP] Caroline praying ("pixelation palette")
« on: December 10, 2006, 05:57:09 am »
I posted this in the Palette Challenge 2 thread, I hope it's OK if I post it here too, to get help.

Just another portrait  :-\ She is praying because she has a lot on her mind, but you cannot really tell because I tried and failed to draw clasped hands (I may try again).  :P
The hair is giving me the most trouble...curly hair is tough!
I've been having fun recently with swirly colors and stuff, as you can see on her face (though not as much as in my last picture)...but I'm not sure if I'm just making a mess of things, or actually getting somewhere?

Any suggestions for improvement? I need all the help I can get :)

General Discussion / Re: Palette Workshop Challenge 2
« on: December 10, 2006, 05:48:25 am »
I like this palette very much. =)
I like my picture less so, but here it is:

I am still working on the hair...every texture I try look like plywood  :-\

Great entries everyone ;)

Challenges & Activities / Re: Palette Workshop Challenge
« on: December 03, 2006, 06:22:45 am »
Forced pkmays' robot into compliance with the restrictions  :-*

Is a nice robot, Mr. Mays!

Pixel Art / Re: Portrait help
« on: December 01, 2006, 05:05:39 am »
Easiest rule of thumb that I know for making colors "pop":

-- Make your shadows less saturated, darker, and tinted closer to blue.
-- Make your highlights lighter and more yellowish (or whatever light source color you've chosen =)

I find it specially useful on skin tones, doesn't seem to work so well for yellow hair and such things.

Best of luck =D (the new hair looks good!)

Pixel Art / Re: Face practise
« on: November 30, 2006, 11:22:01 pm »
This is somewhat of a personal quibble, but I don't like perfect symmetry in faces -- it's less realistic (for most cases) and less interesting :) Even if your face *is* symmetrical, your expression is not likely to be.

Aside from that, the extra bulge between the chin-bulge and the jaw-bulge is, I think, not correct, but I am unsure?

Looks great IMO, needs contrast as someone already mentioned  :lol:

Pixel Art / Re: Help Please
« on: November 30, 2006, 02:01:24 am »
On a completely different note it's good of you to make your friend a signature, honest of him to tell you that it can be much improved, and admirable of you to seek to improve it!  ;D

If I hadn't got homework to do right now I would offer further suggestions but I must be on my way. Just applauding your attitude -- continue in this vein.  :-*

Pixel Art / Re: Moira (portrait with c64 colors)
« on: November 30, 2006, 01:53:16 am »
Sorry for the double post (in fact, a bump) but I wanted to try once more for further opinions  ;) I want to try some more things in this style, or a subdued version of it at least, (as soon as it isn't finals week, haha) so I would love to hear your thoughts on how I might improve. (And not just improvement on this particular style, but in fact any opinions at all. Your silence wounds my soul, you've no idea  :( :'( :P).

Ayup, that's all!

edit: heyyyy....I just noticed that my program seems to have messed up the colors from one file to the next!  :mean: Unless it's my imagination the more recent picture looks a little washed out. Sorry about that! I don't rightly know what happened  :-\  though it doesn't necessarily look worse  :P

General Discussion / Re: Official Pixelation OT-Creativity Thread
« on: November 24, 2006, 06:14:08 pm »
Your quip made sense to *me*.  :lol:

Pixel Art / Re: Moira (portrait with c64 colors)
« on: November 24, 2006, 05:20:09 am »
In all honesty I sloshed the colors around like that because I didn't know how to make a good skin tone in c64  :P Thanks for your help! I'll update it as soon as I get a chance :)


Here's taking your comments into account  :) (I lightened the right eyebrow instead of darkening the left one).

Any ideas on how to make her skin look less scary? I tried using just the pink color, but wasn't satisfied.
As always, all criticism appreciated.

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