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Topics - MNKYband
Pages: [1]

Pixel Art / Pixeling feet, hands, and face - Need help
« on: October 27, 2012, 04:22:03 pm »

I am working on a fan game, and for the game, I need to make a custom, silver HEV suit. I made most of the suit okay, but the feet, hands, and face are giving me trouble. If anyone can help me with those, or point me toward a good tutorial, that would be great.

Here's my picture:

HEVmk1657934659 by MNKYband.alt, on Flickr

And here's the reference image:


Note: The reference image here is created by Valve, for the game Half-Life. The pixeled image is created by me, based on the HEV suit from Half-Life.

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