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Messages - tsej
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Pixel Art / Re: Drawing a pixel spruce
« on: April 30, 2016, 02:53:15 am »
Welcome!  :)
I suggest reading
Use direct link to your images. I'd suggest using imgur.

General Discussion / Re: Aphantasia - not having the "mind's eye"
« on: April 28, 2016, 04:15:48 am »
Yes, I can visualize things and hear them with my eyes open, rather I find it easier to do it that way but it makes me feel weird and anxious. Well, I already have high levels of anxiety since I was a child anyways.
I makes my limbs feel light? Another thing that happens when I get really anxious, so I drew parallels there.

It's not a superpower or nearly as impressive as it sounds, but yeah. It's not even close to what people might see when they're hallucinating.

edit: By "hear them", I mean I can imagine the sound it will make and I can hear it. I don't even know how to explain it.

General Discussion / Re: Aphantasia - not having the "mind's eye"
« on: April 28, 2016, 03:53:29 am »
@Kullenberg do you get a weird feeling in your stomach or feel a little anxious when trying to do that consciously?

General Discussion / Re: Aphantasia - not having the "mind's eye"
« on: April 27, 2016, 11:39:10 am »
What is your approach to art? Do you think you're analytical or intuitive?

Also, interesting read
Which is apparently said to be a Myth now? I remember it being a fad.
So, with things like this we should not really come to conclusions, I think.

General Discussion / Re: Aphantasia - not having the "mind's eye"
« on: April 27, 2016, 10:40:25 am »
A few questions:
-Do you ever wander off somewhere in your brain while doing something?
-Have you ever had a hyperactive brain, trouble sleeping because of constant thoughts and/or images?

I also find it easier to visualize with my eyes open instead of closed, looking at a part of the floor or ceiling.

I suspect you have already, but have you tried exercises of watching a video, say a 3Dbox rotating slowly, observing it and then closing your eyes and immediately trying to recreate it?

And glad you're not stressing over! Man, people get hung up on these little things sometimes and that ruins their lives.

General Discussion / Re: Aphantasia - not having the "mind's eye"
« on: April 27, 2016, 10:24:56 am »
On the subject of dreams, your website says

Also, one of their FAQ has a facebook comment section as source. Not very convincing.

I'd love to wait this out and see if their supposedly planned researches do happen, and what they find out.
I can see why it can give you bouts of depression. But you seem to be doing fine now, which is great. Don't complicate your life, man. You're a very good artist and I definitely look up to you, along with many others here.

Moving on..

I am able to visualize most things in black and white, like movements, patterns, boxes rotating, people turning, moving their arms etc, but it does take a little effort. Trying to imagine color is a little difficult, but doable.

What I found out is, this "visualization" mostly feasts on my memory and being able to recall things. The website tells you to visualize the contours of the face of someone who you see all the time. I tried to imagine my mother's face. I kinda could, but couldn't. Why? Because I never consciously decided to store that information in by head. Our brains filter out useless information all the time. I looked at my mom again and tried this again after an hour~ and viola, it was much easier.

Have you tried doing that? Seeing things and then visualizing them after some time? How did it go?

But yeah, please don't stress over this, if you are!

Pixel Art / Re: landscape with planet falling apart [WIP/CC]
« on: April 26, 2016, 03:29:34 am »
Some questions.

Why is it falling apart?
Why does it seem like there's something sucking the debris?
What masses with gravity are affecting the debris?
Why is there a silhouette still visible after it is breaking apart?
Why is only the crust falling apart?

Something like chunks of land floating away, with the core shining might look cool.

Pixel Art / Re: Mockup screenshot.. Not sure where to begin
« on: April 24, 2016, 08:34:54 pm »
Keep trying, you'll be fine. Experiment with a few things. Look at more references. Look at backgrounds of the said arcade games. Don't be so dismissive of yourself!  :y:
Looking forward to seeing an update.

Pixel Art / Re: Mockup screenshot.. Not sure where to begin
« on: April 24, 2016, 07:49:35 pm »
Are those dunes in the after the first set of dunes? They seem too large and really mess up the image for me.
What angle are you looking this scene at?

If you want to do composition first and then perspective, that's fine.  :P

Look for more references.

And some more here

Pixel Art / Re: Sword Shading
« on: April 24, 2016, 01:56:55 am »
It's much better, but can be improved greatly.

As the next step, I'd recommend looking up images of real swords and trying to get the size of the blade and hilt right.

The hilt is too long right now, I feel.

Just do it. Then you can tweak it to make it split and stuff later.

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