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Messages - Phlakes
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Pixel Art / Re: [WIP][C+C] Retro-Futuristic/Cyberpunk FN Five-seveN
« on: July 07, 2012, 04:14:10 am »
Quick and dirty edit to explain a few things-

First of all, the line art needs a bit of work, especially for function. Remember that the grip and trigger area is based around a hand, so it needs smooth, ergonomic curves and a decent amount of area for your fingers. The way the whole thing is designed now, with all the little rounded bits and bumps everywhere, makes it look a little lumpy. You can still keep details and style without having to break the silhouette, and sometimes (see: most of the time) less is more and all that.

Now, as for the shading, guns are very simple and geometric, so you need to be very deliberate. Try to avoid random clusters and try to keep the major geometric forms (look especially at the grip, it was shaded as three separate areas when they all form the same cylinderish shape) If a part of the gun would just be a flat surface, don't be afraid to leave it alone with just one shade. Again, less is more.

And with the colors, one of the first things anyone learns about metal is that it's high contrast. Get those dark tones really dark and heavy and get the light ones bright and reflective. I also simplified it a bit since having red, green, blue, and yellow all together is a little crowded and crayon-y if that makes sense. The blue worked better with the read and yellow so I spread that around and that's that.

Also try to avoid any dithering on something that's supposed to be smooth. It can work, but it takes a lot of skill and discipline.

Pixel Art / Re: Mini animation, having troubles with it
« on: July 02, 2012, 11:27:58 pm »
That's a much better animation, but the one big problem I see with it is that the leg should be extended just before it hits the ground. So basically make the stepping leg straight in the 4th and 9th frames.

General Discussion / Re: Need some other people's opinions
« on: June 30, 2012, 06:59:40 pm »
Thanks, justice will be served accordingly.

General Discussion / Need some other people's opinions
« on: June 30, 2012, 06:17:00 pm »
Since you're all artists here, I figured you might be good to ask, although I'm not sure if this is really supposed to be in General Discussion or on this forum at all, but I don't know, there might be something to learn from it.

I co-run a website for general entertainment, and one of our newer contributors submitted this-

Along with the description-

This is a piece I made in art rage using the paint brush options right after the Yoshi's Island Super Replay final episode. It took me about a week to make, and I'm still not satisfied with how "mushy" everything looks, but I feel it's still worth showing off.

Now, anyone who knows how to scale an image probably knows what interpolation looks like, and long story short it's just this-

-scaled and filtered.

But he insists that he used it as a guide and painted over it. I didn't buy this for a second, but the problem is that I'm not comfortable taking action until I'm 100% sure that he's not being honest, and right now I'm sitting at somewhere around 99%. So if any of you can just confirm that it's scaled and filtered and not painted over (if it seems ambiguous, look at the angles that the scaled verison makes, especially noticeable on the large spikes), then I think that'll be enough.

2D & 3D / Re: Pixel art principles in High res graphics?
« on: June 21, 2012, 06:33:06 pm »
I mean something like this maybe (obv. photo collage); going much darker in the background with some quite abstract cooler-tinged space dust and cranking up the contrast/colour of the interactive elements for much pop :).

I'm really getting the depth in that edit. The original feels like it could be a couple feet in front of a painting of space, this makes it feel much more open and natural.

Pixel Art / Re: feel the pixel
« on: June 21, 2012, 12:01:49 am »
It looks more hairy than veiny. Probably because of all the short dark ones.

But other than that, like everyone said, it looks great. Reminds me of an album cover I did once that was the same general concept.

Pixel Art Feature Chest / Re: Grimoire - Conceptual Art C&C
« on: June 13, 2012, 06:43:48 pm »
Just a quick thing to add to PixelPiledriver's reply there, the only thing tipping me off that the character is aquatic is that he's blue. Although without you telling me I probably would've thought he was some kind of elf/lizard thing.

General Discussion / Re: The Liberated Pixel Cup!!
« on: June 01, 2012, 07:30:28 pm »
Found it.

Pixel world is pretty small, I guess.

General Discussion / Re: The Liberated Pixel Cup!!
« on: June 01, 2012, 04:16:50 pm »

Not really on topic, but IIRC the person who made this had a thread here for it a while back...

Pixel Art / Re: Skull death screen (Red Wizard Island)
« on: May 29, 2012, 04:23:21 pm »
You really need to work on shading actual forms inside the outline rather than just adding shadows and highlights around the edges. This is probably one of those times where a reference would be a good idea-

(I've never been terribly good with organic shapes and I'm not happy with how that turned out but it gets my point across)

This came up in one of your other threads, too. Instead of starting with a line art, filling it with a midtone and then adding bits of shadow and highlight, start with the darkest color as a foundation and then add forms on top of it.

Now, I know what I made up there is realistic, and it doesn't have to be, but you should still pay attention to the structure of what you're drawing whether it's stylized or not.

Also, regarding the palette, try not to use straight ramps of 100% saturated dark ____ to 100% saturated light ____. Shift the colors just a little bit and have your darker shades be a less saturated and the colors will be a lot more interesting. Also, I don't think I've ever seen a straight grey skull.

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