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Topics - PixelsNTing
Pages: [1]

Greetings all,

I am making a side scrolling shoot 'em up game based on Futurama for a project at uni. I'd like to get some second opinions on some of the work i've done so far.

The Planet Express Ship!

This was the first rendition. The first test run of the game was at an extremely low resolution. Once I had the game engine figured out I started scaling up the designs and improving the sprites.

This is the second edition of the Planet Express Ship:

I think it's fair to say I discovered dither shading! Maybe over using it though, could do with some pointers on shading this i think.

The Planet Express Building

This is the building at its original resolution. I'm currently working on scaling it up, improving the shading and increasing the level of detail. Will post update as soon as the new version is complete.

Some background buildings.

Reference images were used for these buildings. All the buidings are created so they snap to a 32 x 32 pixels grid in my game level. These are final size sprites.

Mom, the worlds most huggable industrialist.

Professor Farnsworth.

Reference images used for both these images.

The plan is to have the Professor give you the first mission and Mom will probably be the first boss.

I'll keep updating with more art as I progress through the project if you are all interested in seeing it.
All these images can be seen on my DeviantArt profile:
Thanks in advance to anyone who takes the time to look over my work.

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