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Messages - LuciferianSoul
Pages: 1 [2] 3 4

Pixel Art / Re: some ISO building ... as castle, tower ets.
« on: September 24, 2005, 10:06:34 am »
Wow, these are really well done!

One crit I have is that the shadowing from the castle pointy tower blue things to the walls is really dark. So it seems like a black band around it. Not a huge problem, but that just bugs me a little bit.

I think the last three images lack the skill and greatness of the other ones.
Good work. :)

Pixel Art / Re: No-name WIP(possibly image intensive)
« on: September 24, 2005, 09:56:58 am »
I think the progress pictures help us alot more see the work they've gone through for their piece.

I think that the wall is not the right angle for her. It should be adjusted/rotated way more clockwise (right), to fit her.

Great work on the character base, however.

Pixel Art / Re: Nosferatu
« on: September 24, 2005, 09:53:19 am »
I think this is excellent!

I love how you've used black to really make it look dark and mysterious. He's looking very evil.
I think your methods of pixelling are very interesting. And it looks quite cartoony, but at the same time serious/realistic. I think mainly it's his coat's shading that's quite cartoony.

But, I think it's very good.
The only thing I would improve is perhaps another darker shade to add just some more depth in it, and some parts look like they need a little more anti-aliasing.

Anyway, great job ;D

General Discussion / Re: school sketch
« on: September 24, 2005, 09:40:25 am »
Wow.. those sketches are so awesome.

I do draw myself, and consider myself a pretty decent drawer, but those are just.. so awesome, considering the minimal to no shading done on them ;D
I think you should pixel the first one, the second seems more like a CG piece.

Pixel Art / Re: Viking sword (wip) .
« on: September 22, 2005, 12:41:15 pm »
It's decent for a starter piece, so I think it's fair you get some good C+C on it.

Firstly, with dithering, the shades would be higher contrast (you can differentiate between them alot easier).
It's generally a low contrast picture, I think you should try to make sure when you are picking colours that the colours flow smoothly from dark to light (depending on how many colours you use) rather than picking very close colours, or extremely different ones.

Also the golden part of the hilt is a little thick (height-wise).

And for the anti-aliasing, most of the time you shouldn't be blending those other pixels into the white, but rather darker to outline the sword more and make it stand out and look better. I think that's a major problem on your piece.

Perhaps the blade itself could be a little skinnier, and longer.

Good luck with your future pixel art, hope that helps.

Pixel Art / Re: MGS Vulcan Raven
« on: September 22, 2005, 12:36:58 pm »
Yeah, the legs seem a little unfinished, shading-wise.
I'm not a big fan of sprites with the large heads and small bodys and even smaller legs. Though you pulled this one off very well.
His arms seem to be holding the chain gun out a little far, though.
Also, what's strapped on his back?
The tattoos look very good, and the muscle and shading of the skin is all done very well.
Very neat how you used the skin tones again on the gun, it makes it look like the metals light source is the sunset or something.

Pixel Art / Re: sketchy animations
« on: September 22, 2005, 12:33:13 pm »
Basically, you should fix it up before colouring. Unless you intend to keep them sketchy and colour that.
What was the purpose of doing these? (Eg, what you are trying to improve/learn)

One that that annoys me is that his face somewhat resembles a gorilla. Even more so when he tilts his head to puff out.. smoke?
And his chest is a little mishapened in the first one, where his left (our left) side curves out but the right side only goes out 1-2 pixels.
In the second animation, his shoulders don't quite seem right, they seem to droop a bit too much.

Pixel Art / Re: Pocky Love
« on: September 22, 2005, 12:30:00 pm »
You paid good attention to the critique and fixed it up really well.
Too bad I came in a bit late to give any good C+C, because I think it's pretty much finished now.

I think it's awesome, it's like an anime video game styled character and very cute. :)
And I love Pocky. :D

Pixel Art / Re: This is some kind of activity to get us "back in the groove"
« on: September 22, 2005, 12:27:13 pm »

I couldn't think of anything to do. Just some lizardy-cat monster poking outta some rocks..
Just some good practise I suppose. I was too lazy to do a background where that pale green is. :P

Pixel Art / Re: Buncha Stuff.
« on: September 20, 2005, 08:24:21 am »
That's a perfect point lief, I was thinking the same thing about the dithering.
Of course, dithering would take alot of practise to get good at, I'm still very bad at dithering and I'm yet to learn to utilize it well enough.

I also agree the red is way too saturated.

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