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Messages - PypeBros
Pages: 1 ... 8 9 [10] 11 12 ... 122

Pixel Art Feature Chest / Re: Running Animation: Feedback Please
« on: December 03, 2013, 04:49:07 pm »
I think the sprite is too small for head rotation otherwise. As is it almost looks like he's doing an awkward jig.
Well, usually, when you run, you look forward to avoid pitfalls and other hazards. you focus on the path ahead, at least with your eyes if you cannot prevent your head from moving somehow (like vertical bouncing that can hardly be reduced). there's relative rotation of the head vs. the shoulder line, but in absolute, the shoulder line is the one rotating, not the head. Having the sprite larger wouldn't make it more natural.

Pixel Art / Re: Sci-fi potion
« on: December 03, 2013, 04:13:25 pm »
wouldn't bubbles get bigger at the top where they meet other bubbles, btw ?

Pixel Art / Re: [wip] Bilou's school : Pendats goes marchin' in [c+c]
« on: December 02, 2013, 11:11:17 am »

Removed some noise on the background pattern and started detailing the "claws/question-mark" thing at the top of the "pillar" for the desk. Not so easy to avoid pillow shading 0_o.

Pixel Art Feature Chest / Re: [WIP] Sylvan Remedies - NES-style puzzle game
« on: December 02, 2013, 02:33:40 am »
The "big" yellow square on the deer's head somewhat looks like a cyclop eye. Is that intentional ?
The bag-of-teeth monster looks impressive on the sketch, but the lack of teeth make it look somewhat harmless on screen. I wouldn't have instinctively categorized it as an ennemy.
Having a second frame where you see its mouth open could help. Having him displayed on the title screen (like in your cavern-adventure project) could help as well.

Pixel Art Feature Chest / Re: Snake Curses [C+C]
« on: December 01, 2013, 09:13:53 am »
Given the amount of cloth involved, I wonder to what extent it wouldn't be better for you to find similar outfit and shoot short movies of someone walking with them, and then use rotoscoping techniques to have the baseline for your animation...

Pixel Art Feature Chest / Re: Running Animation: Feedback Please
« on: November 30, 2013, 08:33:20 am »
The head rotation seems very un-natural, esp. since you make him check the player while running in another direction.

Pixel Art / Re: castlevania - rondo of 8-bit
« on: November 28, 2013, 09:27:39 am »
you might want to update the collision box so that the hero doesn't hit the ceiling with the rear of his head when climbing stairs. Something very curious happens when you're doing that dash/slide-jump attack and end up in a wall, too.

It's a bit sad that the hero's torso is mostly a plain-blue-square. the tiny L-shaped highlight doesn't suggest anything really specific to my mind, either. Possibly the shadow tint could be used to sculpt the shape a bit more.

Pixel Art / Re: [wip] Bilou's school : Pendats goes marchin' in [c+c]
« on: November 25, 2013, 08:22:28 am »
Perhaps lowering contrast/detail of the background a bit could help with this, (...)
I would add little bit contrast..
My options are unfortunately quite limited here.(  I'm already using almost neighbour colours of the NDS palette (5-bit RGB). There's just one or two bits difference between the over-contrasted image ( and the under-contrasted one. I'm open to suggestions if someone find colours I have missed, but to be honest, I haven't found anything better.

Pixel Art Feature Chest / Re: Thoughts on Resolution
« on: November 23, 2013, 09:26:07 pm »
small one gives me the feeling that I'd be Mr. Nobody in the city, possibly a newcomer. The larger one gives the feeling that the guy owns the place, that he's the one people step back to let him walk uninterruptedly.

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Beginning to Tile
« on: November 22, 2013, 10:35:31 pm »
usually, you don't get mortar where bricks have cracks. You still get brick, but deeper (and thus much darker).

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