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Messages - JPL
Pages: [1]

General Discussion / EDSCII - an ASCII/ANSI paint tool
« on: May 27, 2012, 05:46:03 pm »
Hi folks!  I'm working on a paint tool for ASCII/ANSI art called EDSCII.

It's still at an early stage, but I wanted to start showing it off to get feedback on what potential users would like to see.

Here's a video - some of what makes its interface unique makes more sense in motion:

You can download a windows EXE of the alpha here:

EDSCII is written in Python with PyGame, so you can also easily run from source on windows, OSX and Linux.

Here's the readme:

Here's my todo list, showing what's been done and what I have planned:

I'd love to hear what you think of it!

Here are some screenshots showing off early support for different character sets and color palettes:

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