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Messages - HezaKey
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Pixel Art Feature Chest / Re: [WIP] Experiment with colours
« on: January 08, 2014, 05:19:14 pm »
My bad.  I was editing the unedited original cause I liked the quality of the greens on that version much more than the next stage.  Especially since you were trying to saturate them more.  But uhh, good job!  You already did half the things I suggested. XD

Also here's a tutorial by someone else that's much more organized and better than mine:
It covers color, but also lighting and a couple other things.  You can't really discuss color without lighting.

I'm going to break down how I see iLKke's piece is working. 
Their colors are a little bit fantastical (made up essentially), but they still follow real world lighting principles. (as an aside, if it were a real object, it would have to be iridescent to get that kind of color out of it.) 
The planatoid has a very warm light shining on it, and then shifts to cool colors.  The band of more saturated green before fading into the shadows is because light does  create a more saturated band around the edges of shadows.  (blue could have been substituted instead, but I think they used green just to have more a more funky feel to their colors)
And then their shadows are warm, but they do get a little cooler as they terminate to the darkest value.

In the overall composition, the robot has just hints of color on him.  Making him remain mostly grey makes him a focal point in contrast to the colored planatoid, which is still rather muted in saturation or it would draw too much attention to itself.  Also the planatoid's brightest value is not as bright as the values used on the robots face, so it directs the eye rather nicely to what we should be seeing.

In general I see orange, green, and purple as the overall color scheme.  Also with saturated vs unsaturated as a big part of the composition as well.

And as a further note, everybody kind of develops their own color preferences.  I wouldn't have particularly chosen the colors that iLKke used, but it doesn't mean they don't work, since they follow the basic lighting principles.

Pixel Art Feature Chest / Re: [WIP] Experiment with colours
« on: January 08, 2014, 04:01:19 am »

1. changed the darkest value.  Made it even darker, also tinted it blue (cool color) and desaturated it.  Shadows by nature are desaturated.

2.  Took me a moment to figure out why this bothered me, but two reasons.  Blue doesn't fit with your color scheme.  Even if you had something blue it would appear as grey due to the light (pink) and surrounding colors.  It's also cool, so it recedes away, rather than highlighting things, since it is your highest value.  Changed that to yellow.  You already have a lot of warm orangish colors in the green, so it fits right it.

3. This is your highest value of pink, so I saturated that more so that it would pop forward more.

3b. (Apparently I can't count)
This was your second darkest value.  Mostly I just desaturated it and made it a cooler color.

4.  Four is kinda optional, but I messed around with making the shadows cold versus warm.  This more of changes the feel of the colors, rather than their quality.

And I reworked the top version a bit, which you can see a lot more in the greyscale version.  You can also see how your values in the original are still pretty flat.  Notice the values and saturation in the color version are also supporting and are informed by the values in the greyscale version.

Pixel Art Feature Chest / Re: [WIP] Experiment with colours
« on: January 08, 2014, 02:33:05 am »

Yuck, photobucket compressed the snot out of these.  But anyhow, I made this, hopefully so you can understand color better and how to use it.

If it were me, I would increase the value and the saturation of the pink color so that it appear brighter.  That'll pull the horns forward, and will also generally look like some awesome evil glowing light business.
I don't think the one with the higher contrast looks good at all really.  You can probably just add a bit more of the darkest value in a few places to your original (like the eyes and form of the lower set of horns) and everything should come together.

There's also a tangent where the lower horns touch the upper horns.  Either overlap them better or add some space between them.

Actually the example picture you gave is more of an analogous color scheme (colors that are next to each other on the color wheel)  The brightest color might be a yellowish white (my eyes are tired... hard to tell)  which is the complementary of purple, but purple, blue and green are analogous. 

Yours is properly complementary though.  So since you are working with only two hues (which are already warm vs cold), I would pay special attention to value and saturation.

Pixel Art / Re: Undead Alchemist
« on: January 01, 2014, 07:04:15 pm »
I wonder why your primary and secondary light source are the same color.  Might be more interesting if the top light was not orange like the fire.  Or you could do magical fire and make it whatever color you like.

You also seem just a tiny bit inconsistent with your lighting.  Secondary light it from top left, yet right arm is lit as if from opposite side.  Also no secondary lighting on the hands for some reason? 

Could probably get away with more warm highlights on the face and necklace, from the fire light.

That's all I got.

Pixel Art / Re: Game Character [C+C]
« on: January 01, 2014, 06:58:58 pm »

Well, I first thing I notice is that the legs are really mis-matched in size, which is what's really giving off that weird effect with the legs switching places in the animation.  Idealy the far leg should appear smaller while the near leg is bigger.  Right now it actually appears to be the opposite.

Then I started messing around with taking out frames of your animation.  Not perfect, but I think you should see what you can do with less frames, and then add in-betweens to smooth everything out.  I also think that the twist in her body might be over-exaggerated.  Maybe it's just me, but the swing between her shoulders and hips almost looks uncomfortable.

I don't have enough animation experience to really help you out much on solutions, but I can see some weird issues happening, especially with your fabric.
In your idle animation, I think you were going for the skirt flowing out as she bounces down... but instead it looks more like the skirt is flowing in due to her bouncing up.  And since that's not true it just looks like it's out of sync.  I'd have the skirt flow in and out with the bounce.

There's a similar problem in the run animation.  It looks more like the skirt is growing, rather than being pushed by her legs.  If the skirt was adhering more to the shape and movement of the legs I think it would improve that animation by folds. (hah, pun)

I dunno what kind  of game your making, but I think a flashier in-between would be more fun.  Like maybe a fast scythe spin.  Something with some more energy and is more fun to watch.

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP]"Survival". Tips and Critics needed.
« on: December 27, 2013, 08:30:36 pm »
Well, lava changes a bit depending on environmental factors, but in general it's very thick and gloopy.

So I kind of tried to make it look as if it was pushing up against the rock a bit, before flowing around it. (kind of like goo or slime)
Also lava is going to be an incredible light source, so I think you should be more stark with your lighting and have some pretty contrasting values.

Pixel Art Feature Chest / Re: Snake Curses [C+C]
« on: December 27, 2013, 04:27:11 am »

More tree shenanigans.  I can see pretty plainly now, that my player sprite is not in perspective.  Yay, more work!

All the current tiles for the trees.  Making everything tile flawlessly is probably going to be my last step.  Just because... so much work, and I really want to make some more plants and foliage.

Pixel Art Feature Chest / Re: rpg mock-up
« on: December 27, 2013, 01:16:48 am »

I think you should go and tweak your colors a bit.  The green for that grass is really highly saturated, and it's straining the eye to look at.
I changed your water too and chose a blue with more cyan, and then muted it down for a more rustic aged feel to it.  However you could also use a blue that's brighter for a more sunny feel to it, and still have good results.

I didn't edit the stones any, but they look really great in some places, and then in others their readability really suffers.  In the first screen shot, some of the tiles of stone by the cave don't look as if they match up properly, and the little stacks of them get hard to read when they overlap each other.  I think increasing the lightest value and putting more light on those stones will help them out a lot.

I think you could also benefit with just a couple alternate grass tiles.  It would really help break up the large area in screen shot four, if you has some alternates to play with.

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Dark Days
« on: December 27, 2013, 12:55:01 am »

This is looking really nice really.  You kind of worked yourself in a corner by making both the landscape and the clouds yellow.  So I bumped the saturation up on the clouds and added a very slight shift towards orange.  Also your horizon is lacking value to separate it from the clouds.  They blend into each other, which we don't really want, so more dramatic shadows for them. 

Did some slight fixes to the shadows on the buildings and experimented with some rim lighting, which I think looks fairly nice.  Rays of sunlight will always fall in parallel lines, while artificial light rays will converge, meaning that most shadows in a natural setting will align with each other, while artificial lights will have shadows that tend to spread away and share converging lines.

I tweeked some colors, mostly dulling the blues down (yellow light on blue will make it grey out/ complementary colors).  I also took some tiles out of your castles roof to add more age.  Maybe just a slight hint of creeping vines might be nice too, depending on how long abandoned the place is.

I didn't do too much with your trees, since it doesn't really seem like you're finished with them yet.

I really like what you've done so far.  I really want to see something in the landscape that will give us a sense of scale of the monolith out there.  Maybe some old faded roads or ruins of a half buried city.  Just something that will tell the viewer how gigantic that thing really is. 

Pixel Art / Re: BOOM!!!
« on: December 22, 2013, 03:35:41 am »
I was thinking that at that scale, the dust cloud looks a lot like the smoke cloud, so it makes an weird effect of smoke being where it shouldn't.
maybe the dust could be smaller or spread out slighting?
The fire stage also seems to terminate rather quickly.  I'd switch it so the fire lasts longer and the smoke terminates faster.

Animations not my thing though, so that's all I can recommend.

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