AuthorTopic: Hobby Metroidvania NES/Retro  (Read 2677 times)

Offline pr4nq

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Hobby Metroidvania NES/Retro

on: December 05, 2013, 06:39:54 am
This is a hobby project I am undertaking just out of passion and love for the NES system and Metroidvania style platformers.

I am welcoming one or more pixel artist who would like to contribute to the project and has a passion for this type of development. I have no plans in monetizing this unless the opportunity opens down the road. This will be a long term project and is not going to be something that is done likely even within the year so if you are interested please note that you must be able to motivate yourself through passion and love for what your doing alone and that you are able to accept the fact that there is no scheduled time limit on when to call it complete.

I do not wish to compare this to any other game because at this point nothing is planned. I prefer to let the artist visually design the game using their own dreams and idea's not mine. I would prefer we are on the same page about what the end result should be like.

I've worked with people before who simply give up or are doing this sort of thing for the wrong reason and loose interest.. I'm not looking for that person.. I'm not looking for anyone who is moody (sometimes is understandable) or I only talk to once a month.. I would prefer to communicate and become friends talking at least a couple times a week just to stay in touch and stay on track.

This is not a project you need to stress out about because what we do is totally upon us to decide. If your worried about money then this is probably not the project for you because even if there was any it would be a long way down the road.

I'm looking for that artist/artists who always wanted to create their own game and again has a deep passion for pixel art, 8bit/chip music, NES system and anything to do with a retro console makes them smile.

I hate to list any games that I personally enjoy because I do not want to get any idea's stuck in the artist head of what this game should look like... however if you insist I can share my favorites.

I have chosen to develop in AS3 code using the AIR run time and focusing initially on a windows desktop version of the game. I'm efficient in other programming languages and have been programming for 2 decades now, however I do have some game development experience and I believe to soften up the load of creating the game it would be best to first write it using this method.

I'm also a chipartist so I can whip us up some rocking authentic sounding 8bit/chip music to go with the game.. and plan to do a full OST.

The only thing I'm lacking is the pixel art.. I've attempted to learn before, but I've come to understand that when you create something that you want to create .. after its created if you are the sole creator or even if you are a creator of anything to do with it.. then the fun factor is drastically reduced just from the amount of work you put into it and already knowing the experience without being able to experience it from start to finish.. so this is another reason why I'm seeing if anyone else wants to jump on board..

I'll leave it to that.. if you have any more questions feel free to respond or email.. I'll check out anyone's work, but I'm looking for someone who is good to professional skill level.

Thanks for your time..