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Topics - Indigo
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Pixel Art / Quick portrait revamp
« on: December 20, 2007, 05:09:31 pm »
This hardly justifies a new thread, but oh well.  I decided to redo my ol' portrait which had much more potential than what I granted it at the time.  I don't think much will change, as I'm focussing on other projects right now, but if anything is blazingly wrong feel free to let it known...

(new <--->  old)

I did a color count on the original and apparently it had 20 colors!  sheesh.  Its 14 now.


Pixel Art / Warming up
« on: December 17, 2007, 10:00:01 am »
Trying to work on some personal stuff again.  It seems like forever since I have!  This was made to get back in the pixel-groove.

(oldest <-----> Newest)

10 colors

I'm sure there are things that can be improved.  The only reason why I post it now is because I had a goal to finish and post it tonight.  It may not be entirely finished, but its 5am, there's work tomorrow, and I'm sick of looking at the fetching thing, so have at it.


1. Fudged around with the colors a bit and upped the contrast before hitting the sack

2. fixed some lighting issues, reduced some line-definition in the muscles, added the fourth finger to the hand, fixed weight/balance issue, fudged the palette a bit, and made backpack to be more 'tank-like' rather than 'rock'

Pixel Art / Gabriel [WIP][Nudity]
« on: February 02, 2007, 02:23:31 am »
Hello... its been a while since I've done any personal pixel-work.  Decided to try a bit of a different style here.  I'm calling it 'planular shading' for the lack of a better term; that is, using flat planes to define shape.  DaVinci tended to use this sort of thing a bit within his work.

the colours are more or less temporary to block out the shapes, so suggestions in that area are welcome.  My main concern at this point is are the wings.  I want something dynamic, yet not too generic/stereotypical in it's composition.  I've been playing around with different shapes, and this is where i'm at now.  I wasn't going to post this as a WIP, but I'm a bit stuck.  Help is appreciated.


animated progress thus far:

Pixel Art / Mag-Man :: 72 hour entry
« on: November 20, 2006, 06:24:42 pm »
well, the competition is over, and we've got another game.  Kon (Alex Hansen-White) and I did the graphics for this one.  Feel free to crit, comment, or whatever.  I might expand this in the future. 

Kon did the majority of the art for this one, since I was also programming and writing music for this entry.  Kon did the characters, we worked on the tiles together, and the other game elements and menu's are mine.  Fun project, i'm pooped as far as pixelart goes.


Programming:   BugBoy (Noah Duncan), Indigo (Dan Fessler)
Art:                Kon (Alex Hansen-White), Indigo
Levels:            Kon
SFX/Music:       Indigo



Dr pepper cans = 42
Time allotted to drink = 3days
stress level = FU!
sanity = 0

Pixel Art / Trash day
« on: November 06, 2006, 12:00:43 pm »
like, pawige, i too found a piece of art that needed some major C+C.  I focused on the following major areas; anatomy, texturing, and colour unification.  12 colours + trans.  5 of those colours, surprisingly enough are used in both the green and brown colour ramps.  A lot of time was spent on the colours for this, and special thanks to Ptoing for critiquing it heavily in that area.

new  -->  old

and just for kicks, I combined some of my early
wips with along with my new edits to create a
nifty animated progress gif:

thanks to all those who helped me so far.

my goal was to create a piece that showed what my current abilities are with pixelling.  Its kind of funny because the old version of this represented my max abilities 3 years ago.  C+C is highly appreciated for this.  Help me meet my goal.  :)


Pixel Art / Suy?
« on: October 23, 2006, 11:10:34 pm »
I had some extra time today...

Just a quickie.  It looked kinda similar to Helm's 'YUS!' character, so i decided this one is his confused brother.  ;)  I got lazy near the end with the background and such, but it works for what it is.  C+C is allways appreciated.

Pixel Art / Dan's Sketchies
« on: September 28, 2006, 12:21:03 am »
yeah, not really worth mentioning, but I figured i may as well start a sketchies thread

these are pieces that i dont feel match up to my current abilities, thus they dont deseve their own thread.  just quickies...

more will come as they are made.

Pixel Art / Flaber + Indigo + Mockup = Eyegasm
« on: September 20, 2006, 07:36:14 am »
alright, the concept is simple.  It's a mockup collab, but a tad different than what you may be used to seeing.  Basically we just pixel untill we get bored with it and then we hand it over to the other player.  There are no rules - we can edit and change anything we see fit (including the other's work).  This makes this a sort of constant edit for eachother.  By the time this is done, we probably wont be able to say "I did this" or "he did that" because we both will essentially have worked on every part of the mock.  Makes for good-and-constaint C+C.  We decided to go with a common theme of "ghosts and forests platformer" for this.

the base:
just a simple grid with basic platforms.

here is the my turn:
just quickly blocking in basic objects and such

your turn, flab

General Discussion / myspace to it's finest
« on: September 20, 2006, 07:12:10 am »
Slowly but surely, my myspace profile is becomming a sort of 2nd portfolio (but one with alot more traffic).  Yesterday I revamped it completely to match my current portfolio website.  I may still add 1 or two more things.  I've been learning CSS lately so i could add a few nifty tricks.


portfolio: (for comparison)

and as I know, myspace is a soar subject among alot of people, but that doesn't contend with the fact it makes for good advertising.  Lets keep this clean, and no myspace debates.  ;) View the profile for the art value it has.  add me, spread the word, and tell me what ya think


General Discussion / Miuchiz :: by Pixelopolis Alumni
« on: August 03, 2006, 10:42:43 pm »
Here to announce the release of (my first published title) Miuchiz.  Art made by our very own SawTooth, Dhaos, and me (plus a few other various pixel artists who i dont know).  Just released on August 1st to most Wallmarts out there.  Artwork was done through Aha! Studios and published through MGA Entertainment.

Dhaos (Jason) - Backgrounds etc
SawTooth (Andrew) - sprites and animation
Indigo (Dan) - sprites and animation +background adjustments

Most of my work is in the Rock Monster version of the "Monsterz" title. :)
you guys need to buy lots of them and make me happy :)   ($30)


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