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Messages - neverest
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Pixel Art / Re: Larwickinator 2006
« on: April 08, 2006, 09:34:13 pm »
Very nice design, great (and funny) to see how you got there too.
I'd have to agree about the stance, well the leg on our right in particular. I think it looked better at the lineart stage. This might be because, as it seems the main light source is above, that leg would catch more light than the other as its bent.
A couple more minor crits, the forearm to our left looks a bit flat, I think the cylindrical bit could taper a bit towards the bottom.
Also, the colours are lovely, but that very grey midtone really jumps out on my monitor, I think the saturation could be boosted on just that one colour to match the rest a bit.
Other than that very nice indeed, I really love the sparky stuff.

Archived Activities / Re: Iso Collaboration III: Return of the Grid
« on: April 08, 2006, 08:06:12 pm »
Sorry I was so slow, I probably shouldnt have reserved my tiles til I got home!

Archived Activities / Re: Iso Collaboration III: Return of the Grid
« on: April 08, 2006, 06:12:49 am »
I'd like to reserve 19, 20, 31,32 & 35 please.
I'll edit them when I get home from work though so if anyone else wants to start in the meantime dont wait for me.

Those lines from Arachne are excellent. I tried doing the bird one first, but I just wasnt doing it any justice so I gave this one a go:

I may return to the bird later on and give it another go 'cos its still my favourite.

Pixel Art / Re: parallax backgrounds wip
« on: April 04, 2006, 05:22:50 pm »
How long did this take?

Far too long to do lots of them. I may lengthen them if I get time.

Your pixel art has come such a long way ever since I first laid eyes on Human Cannonball. Two thumbs up from me!  

hehe thanks, I somewhat cringe when I look back to HC now!

Each layer should currently tesselate horizontally, although admittedly they could be a bit longer. As it is the motion is looking nice and because each layer is a different length, you dont get exactly the same view twice. When theres stuff happening in the foreground it shouldnt be a problem at all.
[edit] No problem goat, I keep doing that myself!


Pixel Art / Re: F1 Cars
« on: April 04, 2006, 05:08:59 pm »
Ooh I'll look forward to seeing this game! Nice work so far, you've done well to make all the sponsorship recognisable, but I wonder if some of it compromises the form a little?

I think because of all the extra colours the adverts force into your pallettes, and the fact that these shouldnt need much animation, you'd be forgiven for not being too conservative with colours.
I had a go at doing a bit of an edit for the Ferrari:

Now I've not done much, but the first thing I've done is slightly changed your pallette and added two extra colours ( I actually found two stray colours not in your pallette so technically I didnt add any). If this was mine, i'd probably add another couple just so I can aa some parts better.

The most notable pixel changes I suppose are the tyres, hopefully they look a lot smoother and more rubbery. Also in some places where you'd used black on the body, I've gone for the next nearest colour, and I've added a few more highlighted areas to give a greater feeling of height on some parts.

I couldnt find any reference pics for this year, so I havnt done much to the form, but one thing I did do was try and show the shape of the central fin (the vertical bit) a bit better, by making the advertising on each side darker, and leaving a bright stripe down the middle.
This is what I meant about the sponsorship compromising the form, at this sort of scale, any text or logos are only symbolic anyway so personally I'd put a bit more emphasis on showing the shapes of things. You seem to have done this well on the plain colour areas.

Just a personal approach but hopefully some will help, again good work so far.

Pixel Art / parallax backgrounds wip
« on: April 04, 2006, 02:56:24 pm »
This is a game Im working on aside from other projects.
Apart from a few failed attempts I've never really tried putting together the landscapes I envision for game ideas, but after a walk along the clifftops I was inspired to give this one a go.

Heres all the elements together.

And the individual layers:

The paralax scrolling occurs vertically as well as horizontally, so currently when you go right up into the air all you see is sea, so I want to add one more layer at the back, of some sort of shoreline, and probably some rocks/islands in the water. Oh and theres also some clouds higher up.
I'm still not sure about the sky and sea, I like the lower colours, but i'm wondering if I should ditch the dither, add in a few more colours and just band them straight across. Currently the topmost dithered part is distracting so thats definately going.
Any other c&c most welcome,

Pixel Art / Re: Creatures
« on: March 29, 2006, 08:13:05 pm »
I'm inclined to kind of disagree, while the leaf wings could blend into the body to make it a little less disjointed, I really love the look of the creature to the right and I think in its case not too much depth/contrast works.
I think the problem is that it doesnt slot easily into the composition as a whole, mainly because the missile trail has a much higher contrast than anything else.
I think its just a case of despite everything looking lovely individually, something has to change for all the elements to cohere.

Pixel Art / Re: Help with Isometric shadows...
« on: March 29, 2006, 08:00:57 pm »
You were almost there,
I've done a quick edit on the second two shadows. Nothing too complex with shapes like this, all you need to do is make a projection line for each of the casting corners. I've illustrated this by leaving the red lines in I used to figure out the shape. then just copy the shape of the top surface.

Pixel Art / Re: Small image dump
« on: March 29, 2006, 05:57:57 pm »
is it the same guy as your avatar?

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