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Messages - basstabs
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Pixel Art / [C+C] [Nudity] Game Main Character: Female Spy
« on: May 29, 2017, 05:05:02 am »
Hey everyone~ Newbie here. I've been doing pixel art off and on, but haven't posted anything before now because I was never happy enough with anything :P Finally I decided just posting something and getting some feedback would be a better way to improve than just toiling away by myself, so here I am!

I'm trying to make a sprite for the main character of a hobby game dev project. She's (at the moment) going to be a spy with the ability to change hair and outfits, so I started out with a basic, nude body here:

The idea is to make different hairstyles and clothing options and overlay them like so:

I'm a programmer at heart, I don't really claim to have much of an artistic eye, but here are a few things I'd like some input on if people have the time:

-I'd like to keep the style simple so that animation (when I get there) isn't a painstakingly long process. Is my current style TOO simple, though? I'm worried about whether or not I have enough pixels to add some nice details to her, or to do subpixel animation when I get to that point. I tried a little shading, but especially on the arms, legs, and gun I felt like there just wasn't enough room for me to work.

-I'm not quite sure about her overall shape. Her legs and breasts in particular look off to me, but I'm not really sure what's wrong or how to fix it. If I had to guess the chest looks a little boxy and a bit too high, but when I move it down by one pixel it looks too low to me, so I'm not sure what to do there. I'm a little happier with the look in the dressed version, but I think that's more luck than anything :P

Of course I would love to hear any input on how to improve my skills, those are just the things I'm most worried about for this particular image. Thanks in advance for your help, everyone~

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