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Messages - Zoggles
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Pixel Art / Re: [Need Help] Isometrci walk animation....
« on: August 27, 2007, 01:41:09 am »
Please stop saying "I will do that bit later". You can't just do legs, and then just do the arms, and then add a bounce, you'll end up with something looking very disjointed. Those elements of a walk cycle are all fundamental to each other and affect each other. The bounce affects the length of arms and legs, the legs affects the twist of the body, the arm swing affects the bounce of the stride.. you need to work on all three simultaneously for a good result - even if the arms/body are just outlined and coloured later, it is important in order to get the leg movement looking correct.

A good walk animation *is* difficult, slightly more so in iso at that size because you have limited pixels to use to show the perspective and angle of the body.

In its current state, its not too bad and has shown good progress. However, the legs look too separated from each other (thighs hardly move) and in isometric, the front thigh should cover more of the back thigh at certain points in the cycle. Also 90% of your leg movement is only in the bottom half of the legs as if his thighs are strapped together with a belt. Walk a few steps in front of a big mirror and watch your own legs moving. The waist also has no movement - when he bounces his chest therefore seems to stretch. There is no movement in the shoulders either. The whole body should twist ever so slightly during the walk. As the arm swings back, it pulls the shoulder with it slightly, making the opposite shoulder move forwards slightly (most of the effect of this is just down to shading and details on clothing, but the should shape is another part that helps reflect a slight twist.


Pixel Art / Re: Mage Knight art-dump, lots of sprites & info
« on: March 01, 2007, 06:06:28 am »

Tsu! Glad to see you're still alive and pixellin'. And pixelling some pretty awesome looking characters too - especially given the workload. How many other artists were involved? I don't think I noticed that in your novella.


Pixel Art / Re: wolverine
« on: March 07, 2006, 10:25:35 am »
I got that it was on a hill from the doorways, but the extrusion angle of 45º makes the perspective look a little funny, even if it's consistent everywhere and correct. The hill however, is incredibly steep when you think about it. Something bugs me about the square man-hole cover thing on the road but not sure what - perhaps the lightsource, not sure.

Perhaps some extra scenery would help to enforce the 'hill' intention, like a garbage can or milk bottles or garbage. These would sit at an angle (based on the normal to the street) compared to the doors and wall decorations. However, with the current steepness of the hill, you would wonder how it stays in place and upright.


Pixel Art / Re: explosion animation
« on: March 04, 2006, 05:58:11 am »

Well MS's explosions were one of the main sources of reference and inspiration for that, yes - defnately some of the best explosions i.m.o. Never quite finished it though and it lacks at the end because that was done just before I came over to China. I don't even have access to my psd's so will have to do most of the graphics from scratch (if I want to finish the project from here) or try and fill in blanks from the various gif frames I can capture - I only managed to get copies of the gif animations I had put on my dev wiki which I was able to access from here for a while. Still I'm glad you made the reference as it means I must have emulated it well enough.


Pixel Art / Re: explosion animation
« on: February 28, 2006, 11:38:59 am »
That looks at least 10 times better, but I think transparency in the gif is causing frame overlay problems with the overall animation and the larger parts of the explosion not disappearing/fading out.


Pixel Art / Re: explosion animation
« on: February 23, 2006, 11:00:21 am »
I have to agree with DrDerekDoctors, it doesn't look much like an explosion except for the colour choice. The central white area remains the same size and just the red outer edge seems to grow and then shrink back. Also, its very uniform in shape, explosions/fire/smoke etc don't tend to be. (However, uniform explosions can work in some types of game) Try making the whole explosion grow in size and dissipate, and use the palette to make it brighter as it explodes, and then darker again as all that remains is smoke and debris.

Here's an explosion effect I did some time back for a game I was working on as an example. Probably not the best example, but its the best I have lying around.


Archived Activities / Re: The Official Secret Santa Thread
« on: December 28, 2005, 03:03:17 am »
Double post, but I made a list. A NAUGHTY list:

Scuba Steve

When did I sign up?

I think this is a similar case to the "'if you don't have anything useful to add.. don't post".

I remember seeing a post by you in the Secret Santa Sign-up thread. Whether or not you actually said 'I sign up' is less relevant - if you never intended to, you shouldn't have posted there, or should have made it obvious in your post that you didn't want to sign-up.


Archived Activities / Re: The Official Secret Santa Thread
« on: December 26, 2005, 06:05:04 am »
Woot thanks Alex and I'll agree with you.

Skipper: I love it, thank you. It's sort of grotesque, but I love the shading and colouring especially as the character is only 4 colours (well.. except for the 5 pixels of the eyes that is)


Archived Activities / Re: The Official Secret Santa Thread
« on: December 26, 2005, 01:49:17 am »
To: 100% Polyester

Wanted to make sure I had submitted it early as I wasn't sure about being able to get on the internet closer to the day - especially as it was a weekend this year. I wasn't really even sure what sort of things people did for each other when I started this, but hope you enjoy it anyway.


P.S. If anyone would be kind enough to host a copy of the one to me somewhere other than Photobucket (which is a blocked site here) I would be most grateful... I would so like to see what I got.

General Discussion / Re: Secret Santa Deadline Is Almost Here!
« on: December 23, 2005, 01:43:10 am »
Eastern USA? That would be GMT-5. I'm GMT+8 here in China so I guess I'll have to wait until the afternoon of Christmas eve. (though I probably wont get access to see them until I'm back at work on he 26th.


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