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Messages - trexman1234
Pages: [1]

I am planning to make an rpg game for a while now, I have all these ideas but no skill to make the textures
I am skilled enough with GML, and I feel fully confident in my skill to actually produce the game.

I am looking for a tileset of (16x16) blocks, I would like the average things you would see in a 2D rpg to be in it
eg. tree,grass,water,player,buildings.

I know noone wants to pour time and effort into an unpaid job, but I offer anything but a thanks and (obviously) a spot on the credits scene.

Allso if anyone is wandering, I do not plan to sell this game, I want it to be free to play,
however Im still concidering selling it on steam for a low price.

If you have any questions, either email me ( or post in the comments here.


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