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Messages - 7321551
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Are you referring to the last two pictures?
Mostly, yeah. The third-to-last seems a bit stocky too, but since her head's no smaller than Rosie's it must be the hair giving that impression.
Making the heads a bit bigger couldn't hurt.

Something just occurred to me about the rocks - if they were more angular & contrasty they might detract attention from the robot, ie. the focal point... as it is, with the big leap in value taking place in the center, the image does a pretty good job of drawing your eyes to the right places.

.. like that eye. Man I draw skewed. Ffff. Thanks for pointing it out, 7321551. (how would you go about choosing that nick!? srsly)
Random & guaranteed to be available. Call me Jarrad if you like. that's my real name. :)

Nice progress.
Prototype 4's proportions seem stockier (particularly Cass-head) which has caused a bit of a dip in cuteness. Cuteness isn't really about sizes, it's about ratios, & the head to shoulder ratio is probably one of the most important.

Could it catch on? Probably!

Pixel Art / Re: Deep Blues Gang lineup
« on: March 15, 2010, 05:08:26 am »
There doesn't need to be a consensus. If a crit is correct, it'll make you say to yourself "Oh! Right! That makes sense." May the best crit win.

Very excellent.
The incongruity of the girl's style makes for a pretty interesting effect, but I prefer the solo robot - it's very atmospheric,  & seems to tell a story about stumbling across a derelict robot in a secluded forest. Depends what you're going for, ultimately.

This eye drew my attention. Is it too high, or something?

Pixel Art / Re: Deep Blues Gang lineup
« on: March 14, 2010, 09:45:13 am »
Well, if you personally like the black lines, keep them. I don't think anyone will be mad at you or anything. There's no point pursuing criteria that you yourself don't see the value of. If you don't assess your work by your own principles you're working blind. (there has been a lot of talk lately about "rules", not sure what's causing it?)

My opinion is that the lines work okay in the larger characters like Castello, who looks like a character from a charming point-&-click adventure, & works poorly with the smaller characters, because, as has been pointed out, the line-weight changes with the relative size of the sprite.

Here's an attempt to convey how thick a 1px line is at this size, perceptually.

If you like thick lines, then that might not be a problem.

If you'd like suggestions for a technique to use, I suggest what blumunkee did up there - light-dependent outlines, I think they're sometimes called. Has lines, easy on the eyes.

Pixel Art / Re: Qaz- Reborn
« on: March 14, 2010, 06:39:30 am »
I really like it. Vast improvement over the previous version. I really like this sort-of work.

The mask is alright - it didn't jump out at me as flawed. Just a little wonky, I think?
Half-assed edit:

General Discussion / Re: Official Off-Topic Thread
« on: March 14, 2010, 01:53:42 am »
I saw a busker playing one on Friday! I thought it was a type of steel pan at the time. He earned my $2.  :)


Getting into a NES state-of-mind for the Shatterhand challenge (not actually NES specs).

edit: Wait no. This is nicer. 8 colors incl. transparent.

General Discussion / Re: Anti-Aliasing
« on: March 13, 2010, 01:38:56 am »
Although I think in some instances you can add some visual interest by manually choosing your color... particularly when gray is involved.

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