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Topics - redfoxhint
Pages: [1]

About Game
The game is called Subsist (for now) and consists of a female protagonist.
The backstory is classified for now and will be revealed at a later time. Anyway
the style of the game is dark but not to a depressing point. I have a few things i can show
you so you have an idea what the sprites need to look like.

I know that this post is unpaid but please dont bother replying if you are
kind of new to pixel art because that would pretty much mean that I should just
do the art myself...I suck xD
But for real all you need to be able to draw is the ability to make characters
look like normal people and animate them. Also be able to make them look like
a girl.
This game will consist of a lot of different items you can craft that will make you
stronger in the game. Things like different swords and armor types and magic items with animations.
World assets like trees, rocks, animated water stuff like that should be easy for you!

Reward / Pay
As of now if you accept to work for me you wont get any pay. If I see that you are loyal and
like to work, eventually we can get this project done and I will definitely share the revenue I get from this.
This isnt my first project but it is the first project I want to actually publish and sell.
When the time comes we can discuss numbers.

If you are interested in building a team and working with me please contact me here on the forums or
@ triplezmedia on skype or by email .
Thank you very much! Have a great day / evening.

**Im working in gamemaker studio**
This is what I have so far. You can download a preview (art sucks as you can see )-- >:!UNpkDbZQ!J0wCFBnIZVelkMg-pFho-eHvrKvwonJSKtw-lYATZEs

Pages: [1]