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Messages - Cicadas
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Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Sophia III
« on: April 18, 2011, 03:52:30 am »
Have you considered throwing caution to the wind and ditching outlines entirely?

It's a lot easier to fit details onto a small sprite when you don't have big black outlines getting in the way of everything.
At this size singular pixels become more important, and outlines take up lots of those pixels, pixels that could be better put to use on detailing and such.

Pixel Art / Re: Indoors
« on: November 17, 2010, 09:27:34 pm »
D'oh. MicKo beat me to it.
Oh well, it might still be helpful to you.
I did basically the same thing he did, swapped the wall colors around and spruced up the place.
Your character seems like a writer to me for some reason, so I gave him a desk and chair with some writing paper for him to go to town with. He also ended up with a corkboard on his far wall, maybe he keeps important reminders pinned to it to keep him from forgetting.
I messed with the bed, because the matress being the same color as the sheets was weirding me out, and also changed around the perspective on a bunch of the objects. I also angled the roof a little to make it look a bit more roofish, and brought the doorknob, and a few other things, down some to what I thought was his level.

I edited the character himself some, too. Gave his cowlick more character and made the back of his head less square, and gave him some sleeves (he looked a little odd without them, but if it was a design choice please ignore this).
The house outside got done over, too, because as it was it looked a little like a doghouse. (the door was really small, too, how did he fit in there?)

Pixel Art / Re: I am the sun: game tileset WIP
« on: November 17, 2010, 09:07:17 pm »
Lookin' good, there.
The blocks don't quite seem to be 3d themselves, but the crumbling edges define the shape they make up as a whole as 3d, so that works out just as well.
Those edges are great, by the way. You seem to have a real penchant for making tiles irregular enough so that they don't necessarily need variety tiles to mask the grid. That ladder especially. It's so wonderfully asymmetrical, I seriously had no idea it was one tile until I deconstructed it to start editing.

I didn't do much to it, just cut down some of the shadows a bit, applied some nonintrusive AA here and there, and AA'd the bent rung to smooth it out a little.
I also removed the 1-pixel dithershading on some of the rungs, because pixels in groups of less than two end up making shading look sort of noisy at this resolution.

On an unrelated note, I did up a run cycle to sort of demonstrate what I meant about side-facing animations. I don't know if it looks childish enough for the character, but I gave it my best shot. (It's on a black bacground because I had to use some AA for more subtle motions and it doesn't show up well against Pixelation's grungy green background.)

Also comes in grizzled war veteran variety (to see the legs and torso more easily)

Looking back, I didn't add enough bounce, the arms pretty much suck, and the whole thing is pretty stiff looking (and that's without mentioning that I mirrored the animation).
But, it gets across the general idea, I hope. The only reason that I think side-runs are favorable to 3/4-runs is because in platformers, 3/4th runs always make it look like the character is running diagonally instead of side to side, and it always seemed to me like they might run right off the side of the narrow platforms that all side-scrollers are made of. Just my two cents.

Edits 'n stuff aside, I'm curious about the role of the main character, the kid in the yellow raincoat. Who is he, and what does he represent?
Is he a god-like figure taken physical form, a la Ameratsu from Okami? An avatar of some sorts? Is the sun he's representing even spiritual at all, or is it just a ball of flaming gas?
Does he derive his power from the sun, if he has any? Is he bringing light to the world, like a manifestation of daybreak? If so, why? Does it happen every day, or is it something more heroic, like a sacred duty to bring light to the world after it has been swallowed by darkness? Does the moon make an appearance? What is the significance of the raincoat? Is he chasing away a rainy day?

I'm sorry for bombarding you with all these questions, and I don't expect you to answer all of them, probably in order to preserve the mystery for the actual game. Just a bit of closure, about why he is the sun, and why his raincoat is yellow.

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Walking Animation
« on: November 15, 2010, 11:38:38 pm »
If you turn your head sideways, it looks like he's throwing a temper tantrum! :D

But in all seriousness, it doesn't really convey movement to me. For one thing, all of his limbs are moving, but his body and head remain entirely stationary. Your torso twists and bends with your arms when you move and, like others have said, your body bobs up and down naturally with your stride.

Secondly, his arms and legs are moving about, yes, but they all seem to be doing different things from each other.
His right arm (our left) looks sort of like he's gently brushing or wiping something off of his jacket.
His left arm (our right) looks like its operating an invisible butter churn.

As for his legs, they're sort of twitching back and forth a bunch but not accomplishing a whole lot.
You've got some up and down motion in his left leg, but his right is just sort of sliding back and forth across the floor like he has frictionless feet and is struggling to stay upright.

The separation of all of these bodily elements just kills the synergy of movement that you're trying to achieve, and makes it look more like he's aimlessly flailing than moving across the screen. If I had to hazard a guess, I would say that you made the sprite, and then simply moved the parts around to create the different frames. This is a very common mistake, and one that just about everyone has made at one point in their life, but it is a very, very bad habit to get into. If you do this, then all of your animations will look choppy and stiff, and I'm sure that's not what you want.

Instead of just moving parts around, you need to take the plunge and start drawing a new sprite for each frame,in succession. You can probably salvage the head (which doesn't move quite as much as the rest of the body) so you don't have to redraw it every frame, but the body (torso, arms, legs) should be redrawn from scratch. Every time. It's a bit more work, but its worth it. This way, even if its not perfect, it will more accurately simulate human locomotion because by going frame by frame you can see the progression of the movement, and all of the elements of the sprite are going to end up moving together to the same beat.
Give it a shot, I'm sure you can do it, and I think it'll help out a ton.

Pixel Art / Re: I am the sun: game tileset WIP
« on: November 15, 2010, 06:37:06 am »
Your recent backgrounds have been gorgeous, but like others have said they're a bit too saturated (and the most recent one is a little bright on my monitor). Tone it down just a smidge to help differentiate it from the foreground. In that vein, try to keep foreground and background colors separate, so as to avoid color confusion.

On the subject of the tiles, while the "degraded" texture has improved greatly, the tiles themselves still seem quite flat to me. Try to add some depth to them. It doesn't have to be much, but try to make them seem more substantial.
The only problem your ladder has with readability is closeness in the light brown to the reddish pink in the tiles.
As for irregularity on the grass, it's a great idea, just keep it withing a few pixels from the ground so you can cheat and just make the character walk flat behind it.
On the tree, why does it seem to be entirely backlit? Is the lighting coming from that planet in the background? Otherwise, it has fine shape and composure, very organic looking.

The running animation looks a bit like skipping/bounce-walking to me. Maybe tone down the bounce a bit, and give the overall movement a bit more fluidity. It looks a bit stiff in the body as it is.
(!Personal Opinion Inbound!)
I've always found side-facing movement animations to convey the motion better than their 3/4 counterparts. Just a thought.
(!Exit Personal Opinion!)

Another thing I'm noticing is that you're making the backgrounds increasingly more complex and detailed, which kind of clashes with the charming few-color-to-a-sprite tone that you had going in the beginning. This also makes the character sprite look somewhat out of place. I suggest you decide now what graphical path you want to take with this game.

On the one hand, you have the simple, low color option that you started out with. This style is easy to create for and work with, and can be quite elegant and atmospheric if done properly. This is the easiest to animate with, because everything is going to be mostly one or two colors, and you don't have to worry about detail as much. This style is considered niche by most, but well-recieved within the independent gaming and pixelart community. (Just be prepared for people to tell you it looks like Cave Story, even if it doesn't)

On the other hand, you have higher detail with more colors and rendering per sprite. This style is slightly more time consuming to work with and create for, but the payoff of a shiny, polished-looking game is nice. It is slower and more difficult to animate with this style, as you have to first block out what you're trying to do, get the core animation done, then sweep over all the frames and add detail and revision. This style is more mainstream, and will probably be well-recieved by the majority, but completing a game in this style takes more time and effort.

In your situation, I would reccomend the former. You seem to be making this game for your own sake, and for practice. The graphics of a game are where many game designers will get hung up and quit in development, and in your particular example it doesn't seem necessary to try and make the next Braid. Save it for when you're more confident in your abilities.

I look forward to seeing this project's continued progress.

(Edit): Sorry for this huge wall of text, I didn't realize it was this big until I posted it.

Pixel Art / Re: In a perfect world, Killbots entertain you!
« on: November 13, 2010, 02:16:22 am »
It's a bit noisy around the outside of the shapes, and I think you could increase contrast by a bit and consolidate some of the colors, but other than that nothing really strikes me as off.
One thing, though. The way the red markings are arranged on his face and chest has my eye confused as to whether his head is craned forward over his chest, or his torso is just turned sideways to face the screen. It's a minor thing, a trick of the eye, but might be worth looking at all the same.

Pixel Art / Re: I am the sun: game tileset WIP
« on: November 13, 2010, 02:06:02 am »
Chis, that's fantastic, a million times better than your initial sprite! ;D
I love the new, more realistic proportions, and you really nailed the oversized, cumbersome look of a raincoat. The hood is great, just a touch oversized and it's even got that sort of triangular peak like it's supposed to. The only thing I'm curious about is the lighter green pixel to the right of his eye.

As for the second design, it looks like a good literal representation of the sun, but it gives off more of a femenine vibe to me. The shoulders are also a bit low in comparison to the head, perhaps bring the head and cloudscarf down some?

The new tiles are much improved, giving off a much more believable look. It's got a nice stringy feeling to it, too, but you might want to give it a bit greener hue, so people don't mistake it for sand flowing through cracks in the rock. Also, if it's going to be organically messy and disorganized, I think you ought to keep the idea of secondary tiles to go on top of them like you did with the original grass, as it looks a bit flat on top as it is.

Keep up the good work!

Pixel Art / Re: I am the sun: game tileset WIP
« on: November 12, 2010, 02:47:51 am »
Hello, Chis!
I love the way these scenes look, they're full of lots of great colors and fine moods. I especially like the character, he (I think it's a he?) has a lot of charm.
However, he looks a little stiff. I think maybe you should try to relax his pose and attitude a little, make him look a little less tense.
I made an edit to try to show what I mean:

I kept the design the same, and he's the same size, but I made a bunch of cosmetic/pose tweaks.
 -Dropped the shoulders down and brought the arms out some
 -Unzipped the raincoat a little ('cause nobody goes around with it all the way up unless it's pouring) and made his neck visible
 -Flared the raincoat out at the bottom and gave it a pocket, gave the kid a pair of shorts
 -Rounded out the face and gave him a nose and ear
 -Brought out the hood and gave it a bit more swoosh and shadow

I really love this character, it's simple, yet effective. I don't think you need to add many extra details to his design, keep it kind of plain and let the bright color and simplicity speak for themselves. I have a few minor issues with some of the terrain (like what NaCl said about the blocks), but it's in a WIP state and you'll probably iron them out on your own. I really hope you follow through with this, because explore-em-ups are my favorite kind of game.

(Edit:) Bonus edit on what I meant about the blocks.

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