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Messages - RedSuinit
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Pixel Art / Re: [WIP][C&C] The Last Alchemist Artwork.
« on: September 22, 2015, 01:40:04 am »

Decided to go with a completely straightforward perspective, and am trying to fill in the windows and doorway to get rid of the attention grabbing black. Really struggling with what to put in the windows... Tried curtains and shutters, but I can't get either to look right.

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP][C&C] The Last Alchemist Artwork.
« on: September 22, 2015, 12:23:02 am »
good start but I disagree with that perspective of the building.
for one thing its slower and more difficult to make a scene like that without inconsistencies.
but it makes the character look like a carboard cutout when his feet are parallel and there is no gap between him and the building.
u can make a gap but then consider u need to animate him moving upwards towards doorways and ladders and stuff (or they need to extrude from background).

easiest option is to lose perspective all together in favor of more tileable horizontal side planes.
or if u want perspective keep the bottom of the side plane horizontal and the top gets the perspective but this introduces limitations on the level design vs mixed perspectives (probably ok if u don't mix too much on screen at once.

try checking out shantae riskys revenge for some nice inspiration and nicely controlled perspectives for this type of game.

Thank you for the feedback! I will definitely be checking that out!

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP][C&C] The Last Alchemist Artwork.
« on: September 21, 2015, 03:28:05 pm »

A little bit of progress and a palette change.

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP][C&C] The Last Alchemist Artwork.
« on: September 20, 2015, 11:58:47 pm »

VERY early look at the very first set piece. This is the main characters home where the game is going to begin. Only the front face of the first floor is really finished, but I wanted to get some thoughts and opinions before completing the entire piece. I really like where it is headed though!

I needed to do something different for a while. This took me probably close to 4ish hours today.

General Discussion / Re: How does scaling work in a game with Pixel sprites?
« on: September 19, 2015, 10:41:23 pm »
Redsuinit is talking about a situation where, if you scaled the pixel art to fit the screen, the scale factor wouldn't be an integer. For example, supposing you made the art for a 240px 'screen'. Then supposing your phone screen is 640x800. 640 / 240 = 2.66; 800 / 160 = 5.0. This means you would need to a) use the scaling factor 2, and b) occupy (640 - (240*2))  (=160) pixels of space with 'filler' art rather than playfield.

There is a lot of room for adaptation there, especially if you think carefully about your design, but the basic point holds: If you're supporting multiple devices, some of them will be an imperfect fit to the metrics of your art, which means you have to find some way to use what would otherwise be blank space.

You should *always* scale in-engine if you possibly can; it saves you memory and storage, simplifying any updates to art, and also potentially reduces CPU and GPU usage (less data to transfer).

I refer back to the first post I made in this thread. It explains it perfectly well. You (Kepler4) would need to create a script that basically said this:

if (current.screen.resolution/design.resolution < 1.5)
pixelart.scale = 1;

else if(current.screen.resolution/design.resolution >= 1.5)
pixelart.scale = 2;

else if(current.screen.resolution/design.resolution >=2.5)
pixelart.scale = 3;

repeat this until you have covered all of your scale sizes for all screen sizes. This is not the actual script you would need, but I don't know what language you code in or what engine you are using. If you want to understand what I mean about the "usless filler" refer back to my first post in this thread, with this bit of psuedocode in mind.

General Discussion / Re: How does scaling work in a game with Pixel sprites?
« on: September 18, 2015, 04:38:08 pm »
Well anyway, 'I like 240x160, I'll target that' is not quite sensible thought process. The feel of the final result is really about size of each 'pixel'; if you like 240x160 you need to think about how large the pixels will need to be on phone, using information about the respective PPIs of the GBA and of the phone screen. There is also stuff relating to different contrast ratios of displays which can heavily effect color quality.

In your position I would be making up some sample images, with different numbers of real pixels per seen 'pixel' -- 1x, 2x, 3x, 4x.. uploading them to the phone, figuring out some way to view them at exactly 100% zoom, and getting a feel for how the different scale factors look on phone. As well as the cosmetic conditions affecting it -- glare and cut-down display technology. Preparing some color gradient and texture samples to compare computer screen vs phone would be smart too, now that I think of it..

Then you would be in a position to make an informed decision about art design for your game.

(OT-ish: yeah, HQ2x, scale2x, 2xsai etc all, from experience, have this 'levels of detail' problem: The art was made at X level of detail and semi-smart guessing about implied shapes will only ever resolve those shapes more clearly, not change the design to give you 2x more detail / expression -- which is what naturally happens when you have more pixels to work with. They all have a 'coarse' feel as a result.)

What I did is create a PC version of the game and tested it at every resolution. The only method is to build in that buffer of sprites with "useless" filler. If you are targeting a wide range of devices, it's the only option for a pixel perfect picture at every resolution.

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP][C&C] The Last Alchemist Artwork.
« on: September 18, 2015, 01:10:54 am »
First wing for Ira... 3 hours later..... This is going to take a while. :/

Any thoughts, tips, criticisms?

Odio Updated tail flame:

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP][C&C] The Last Alchemist Artwork.
« on: September 15, 2015, 01:17:28 pm »
Much higher energy.  :y:
The flames on the tail look like they're in the background though, should be like on the head.

Yeah, I get what you're saying. Thanks!

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP][C&C] The Last Alchemist Artwork.
« on: September 15, 2015, 02:54:07 am »

Doubled the frames for the flame animation, while keeping the bodies animation the same. Almost makes me want to increase the body frames too, but man... Another 4 frames of animation.... Took me 6-7 hours just to do the first four frames.

General Discussion / Re: Double-Posting
« on: September 14, 2015, 11:36:40 pm »
I do a majority of the double post merging and sending out pms to kindly ask people not to.
This mostly happens with new members.
Altho I've merged and pm'd many regulars as well.

I read the rules and it just said: "no double post"
Not quite.
Altho it's hard to find in the FAQ, the current rule is here:

The rule isn't there to make people feel bad or stifle creativity.
The intention is to keep things clean and fair.
The more everyone can do that themselves, the less I, and other mods, have to do.

Nobody here got striked if he double posted and did something creative.
I did, a couple of times.
But you don't have any strikes.  ???
Were they absolved before this at some point?
If anyone else received a strike for a double post pm me, and we'll see about getting it removed.

Besides all that:
I'm all for evolving if it feels good.
So for the past few whiles, after reading this thread, I haven't merged or pm'd anyone about a double post.
There are plenty of quad+ posts around right now.
What do you guys think?
If the general consensus is that it doesn't really matter, I'll happily never merge posts again.

I double post all the time, but I do it beyond just a simple bump. It's almost always something of creative importance. Heck, I have even triple and quadruple posted and never received so much as a warning. I feel like the moderating staff here are very lenient and understanding as long as you aren't just shamelessly bumping your threads.

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