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Topics - Echo-07
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Pixel Art / Player Character
« on: January 31, 2015, 09:36:59 am »
Hey folks,

I've taken up pixel art a couple months back and I've been lurking here and Pixel Joint to pick up pointers and learn whatever I can. I've improved since my first attempts at pixel art and my respect for it is greater than ever.

This is the player character for a game I am working on. I've tinkered with him a lot and have hit a point where I can't think of what else I can do with him to step him up to another level. So I thought it's a good time to share him and hope the community can provide feedback. Here are some questions that for you the viewer... ???

1. Does he have a strong first read?
2. Is there enough contrast in his values?
3. Are the plane shifts clear?

These are the things that I try to keep in mind as I work but now I could really use some extra eyes on this. Any feedback would be appreciated and general opinions are more than welcome!

Thanks in advance guys!   :y: :)

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