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Messages - Cilein
Pages: 1 [2] 3 4

Pixel Art / Re: Zomby
« on: May 26, 2011, 02:10:54 pm »
I use Fireworks for animated work but tweaking palettes and color selection is rubbish on it (quite possible I'm just bad at doing those things probably..), I use photoshop for static pieces and love that, I know I can assemble animations of pShop but it's quite awkward there. Are you making your animated pieces in pShop?

Pixel Art / Re: Zomby
« on: May 26, 2011, 01:56:24 pm »
Haha I believe the answer is habit! I'll add a color or two and play with my palettes for the next edit, been having trouble using fireworks to tweak the palettes though, anyone recommend either a palette editor or a better mac compatible pixel art editor? I tried Pixen for a while but it kept messing with my palettes and crashing : :mean:

Pixel Art / Re: Zomby
« on: May 26, 2011, 01:03:01 pm »
Good crit, thanks! I cleaned up the brain, tweaked the palette and fixed some AA problems. Started attempting an animation for the zomby. Just main frames at the mo, I intend to have twice as many once these are cleaned up,

[Edit]: seems like imageShack isn't allowing animated gif uploads for free users, moved to photobucket :)

Pixel Art / Zomby
« on: May 22, 2011, 01:14:36 pm »
Heydy, working on a zombie character here. Looking to finalize a single frame then work on animations for him, here's what I have so far
(left to right shows initial to progressions)

Having a nightmare defining the brain in the little speech bubble, probably worth my using a white tone for the bubble itself too.


Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Little Ninja + Tileset
« on: May 22, 2011, 01:09:23 pm »
Looking great so far, the two toned costume is way nicer. For the running animation her hips appear to stay at the one level the whole way through, dipping them on or just after the run frame and having them spring up a tad when pushing off might make it more realistic, giving a sense of gravity/weight to the ninja. The tiles on their own would be lovely, but probaby worth toning down the highlights a notch so they don't steal attention from the player

Pixel Art / Re: Texturing help + critique needed
« on: December 09, 2010, 07:57:33 pm »
Good points Dusty, thank you - sorry if I seemed snappy on my comment, wasn't intended if it came across that way! I'll work on smooth-ing it up and pumping the highlights, I'll have them move more to help emphasise that they are highlights too. The rest of the scene should hopefully help enforce the dessert-like feel.

The gravestone I think will end up just as having been a good practice, in the picture there will be multiple and they will have to be smaller so I'll be redrawing them.

Here is a character I've been working on for the scene, the 'Kandyman' from Liquorice Allsorts sweets. I'll be using his size for scaling reference.

Pixel Art / Re: Texturing help + critique needed
« on: December 08, 2010, 10:41:14 pm »
Sorry, gotta be a gravestone, this is one part of the composition, the rest will hopefully make it more readable if that's a big problem.

Shape shouldn't define textures, or rather we should be able to break the mould (lol) that ties any shape to a material.

Yeah I'll work those highlights and get cracking on the rest of the scene!

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] first pixel art
« on: December 08, 2010, 10:58:35 am »
That ponytail makes a huge difference, great. The arms move too much in the bottom one I think. Also, is she wearing glasses? I thought so before or some goggles or the such but the bit between the lenses makes them look off, move that up one pixel in all frames if they are glasses, should be more to the top than the bottom.

Pixel Art / Re: Is this a good start?
« on: December 07, 2010, 07:40:55 pm »
Wow, lovely style. I would suggest an extra frame for completing the loop smoother but that's pretty awesome.

Pixel Art / Re: Help with walking.
« on: December 07, 2010, 06:29:42 pm »
The hair animation doesn't make sense, it jerks up and down multiple times in the cycle, if thats wind, the movment needs sub pixelled and to be less severe, if it just random, make the hair dip the frame after he plants a foot and come back up after. Subpixel for smoothness. I whipped up this simple sub pixelling example, zoom in on it to see how it works.

Not sub pixelled;

Same speed, extra frames for sub pixelling;

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