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Messages - aamatniekss
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Yep, and now with multiple characters that's not changing anymore. :P

Yep, im definitely not doing that.. :P

Haha, and yeah I already did that shadow stacking thingy a couple days ago. :D

Well, they just had washing day, haha. :D But don't know im kind of liking it, makes them stand out a little more, and that's pretty important because of how much action will be going on. :)

Hmm, that would work nicely probably, however I feel it might be too performance intensive, especially since im planning to animate the trees, and together with animation it might take a lot of processing power. Oh well, yeah and the all the characters would require the shadows to be that way too and all of them are animated, so with 300 enemies on screen at once it could be quite a fps dip. I'd prefer saving on the performance so I can have even more enemies on the screen at once, because I want it to be a really frantic shooter, with hundreds of enemies on screen at once.

Well, before these shadows I had the simple circle ones for each sprite, but I asked quite a lot of people which ones they preferred and everyone pretty much unanimously agreed that these shadows look cooler and more original. Though I had an idea to just add an option to switch between both types of shadows. I'll probably do that. :)

While I totally agree about the shadows, that they would look better if they had a bit of an angle to them, however I won't change them. There are various reasons for that, like me scaling the game up 2x or 3x and because of that the shadows look bad when skewed. Because they're made with code not drawn by hand. The shadows are mostly there to stay how they are, nothing much will change about them.
I tried fixing the toilet shape a bit to make the shadow less straight, and more irregular, I think it looks a bit better now.

And about the characters I've decided that I will actually add a character select, thanks! ^^ I added 2 female characters too, and I think I fixed that white colour you mentioned, eishiya. :)
Talking about the trees, I actually looked at pictures of stunted and weird looking trees as reference, so it was kind of what I was going for, haha. :D But still I felt that you were right that they looked a bit weird, especially the smallest tree, so I made it a bit taller and added more leaves.
I also added some more decorations to the ground as suggested, a few rocks and a flower here and there. I think Im pretty happy with how it looks now, and I should finally start doing other things for the game. :D Though I will add some more stuff eventually.

Ok, I took some of your suggestions and tried improving the tiles. I basically started using more of the grass blades and the mud spots. I won't use them too often like in this screenshot probably, but in a bigger bunch here and there and some single ones spread out everywhere. And the biggest problem I had with the tileset is the transition from grass to dirt, it was just too clean and not grassy at all. So I made it have little grass blades everywhere, I think it's a huge improvement, makes it looks more natural. 

And yes, there will definitely be more decorations for the world than just trees, though they all will be destructible. I want it to be like this cool place in the start with all kinds of trees,tractors,toilets and what not, and when you're done there's basically only blood and pig parts left on the ground. :D  I just haven't gotten around to making all of those yet, as I wanted to solidify the base tiles first.
@Theoden, nope it's not inspired by cyangmou's art. ;) I just tried going for some more interesting shaped trees. :)

Oh and I tried designing some new main heroes for the game, but can't decide which one I like the most. Help?

Ok, I really need help. I've been stuck without developing almost anything the past couple days. Im trying to get a look that I like for the game, but I just can't do it. :| I redrew the previous tileset trying to clean things up, because I thought it looked very 'dirty', and the same for the trees. But it's just not cutting it for me.
I think the grass and trees would be fine, but I really don't know what to do about the dirt. Im now thinking of just ditching it all together, but that would make it a lot emptier. Though not sure that it would matter that much anyway, because the ground will be covered in blood and body parts after a minute of gameplay.
So what do you think? how could I improve it?

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] + [C + C] Floating Island
« on: November 11, 2015, 10:44:42 am »
I tried putting some of my thoughts on a quick little edit.
I changed the colours to be more contrasty and less similar to each other. It also had quite a lot of banding so I tried removing that too. And the shapes of some of the rocks seemed too unnatural so I smoothed it out a bit. And on the sides I reduced the highlights, to make it look a little more 3D, rather than looking like just a cardboard cut out.
Don't know if it's any better though, but it might give you some ideas. :)

Hey guys, sorry for not responding for so long, been quite busy on other stuff and didn't get to do a lot on BR either. Anyways, I tried removing the outlines from the feet of the characters and it does really help make them fit into the game more. :) I also recoded the pathfinding for the enemies a little so now they can't stack up in a huge bunch, and I think this is both good in gameplay and in visuals, as now it actually feels a bit more realistic and like the enemies actually hold some weight. There's just something about actually seeing every single one of the enemies, not just 100 stacked up together. :)

I also redid the trees(or should I say the tree) sprite, to make it look a bit less generic. Don't know how it came out and if it actually looks less generic. Here's the old sprite and new ones compared.

@coldmage, thanks. :)

@Theoden, Thanks! The previous game was There Was A Caveman :)

@Glak, Nope, it's supposed to be a human, I was just trying out an artstyle of sorts where I would draw everyone with red noses. :D But I think I'll have to redo the main guy anyway, I want him to stand out a little more. I'll try a redneck of some sorts like already suggested.

Alright, thanks a lot for the suggestions. I'll be definitely doing that outline feet trick. And yeah, redneck would actually be awesome, let me see if I can make it nicely. ^^ :)  I'll try reworking some stuff and post the new looks soon.

Pixel Art / [WIP][C+C] Need help on improving graphics - Bacon Rebellion
« on: October 22, 2015, 09:55:14 am »
Hi guys!

So i've finished my last game, and im making a new one. It's about angry rebellious pigs and a farmer that has to fend off them all basically. :D
It's going to be this really bloody shooter, where massive hordes(hundreds) of pigs come at you and it's just one big, massive blood bath.
This is where I am now with it -

And here are some gifs -

(ingame he's with coloured outlines to help with readability)

Im mostly looking for help on how to improve the character design. I want him to be more interesting and still look like a farmer, but it's really hard to think of anything.
Also, any tips on improving the general look of the game, the tilesets and anything else. All feedback will be appreciated.

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