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Messages - Somar
Pages: [1]


Strelok here... or should I say... Somar. I am here for two years lurking in the shadows, I am serious, check my profile... just kidding... I just created an account and then went to buy some cigarettes.

Now that I have my cigarettes I would love to have my nickname changed to Somar if possible in any way. Strelok got lost in the way back and I just can't seem to find him.

So... I am "developing" a 3D Space Shooter game and I really need to learn how to make pixelart for the ship textures. And I will work hard to do it, beucase I have spent too many years giving up on things that I though were difficult, and that is not me anymore. I will make it myself, even if I have to develop a way to do it myself.

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