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Topics - pixlMan
Pages: [1]

Hello, for the last weeks I've been slowly trying to create simple pixelart characters that I can use in my game. Finally yesterday I created this Alien character and animated him in a way that can be use in an early build of my game. Can you tell me how to improve the animation? It is a little choppy right now seeing that it is only 6 frames but that is ok for now. My main problem is with the shading, I know something can be done but I couldn't figure it out, and lastly I don't like the arm movement and couldn't find a good solution for it. You can edit my sprites if you want to show me the improvements.

Yes, the left and right walking animations are mirrored, I still haven't decided on a workflow so I didn't want to draw everything from the beginning to make the other side of the walking animation.

Pixel Art / [C+C] Walk cycle
« on: November 19, 2016, 02:26:31 pm »
Hello, I'm trying to create art for my video game and I'm now learning how to make a simple walk cycle. What do you think of this walk cycle? It is only 4 frames and looks kinda choppy but it is one of my better ones. Do you have any tips regarding the character? What can I improve?

Also one last question how do I make my character not feel so lifeless? I've seen plenty of art and I get the impression that each pixel art character has a soul but my drawings feel flat and soul-less.

Pixel Art / First art for video game [C+C]
« on: November 08, 2016, 11:56:03 am »
Hello, I'm currently learning pixel art and I'm using Aseprite to do my drawings. Right now I'm trying to create same base characters and a building for a video game that I want to make. These are the first drawings that I'm confident to show to other people. What can I do better? Any tips?

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