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Messages - Sawtan
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Pixel Art / Re: [C+C] Tree (Might evolve to general environ.)
« on: May 01, 2016, 06:47:05 pm »
@Pusty: Great crit, and yeah, now when I look at it it's definitely off! Changing that right away! You're also right on the second part, don't think I gave that good enough thought really, looks like vines that shouldn't be there :)

@eishiya: Ohh also awesome crit, I've fluffed the tree up some, and adjusted the color ramps, I wanted them to harmonize some more so the trunk color got more red-shifted and to the purple in it's dark and the leaves got a more smooth blue-shift at the shadowside.

I'm starting to love this place already! Thanks for the great welcome! And here's an updated version! I'm still up for more crits if you have some thoughts and pointers to give! :)

Pixel Art / [C+C] Tree (Might evolve to general environ.)
« on: May 01, 2016, 11:33:16 am »
Hey folks!

Completely new here, so this post will be my pixelation cherry!
I'm trying to improve on general environment pixels right now, working with a whole range of minor projects (fantasy to sci-fi). But one part that I feel a great need to improve on is trees, they're great to have for making a baseline when it comes to atmosphere and sets the bar on what quality the game will have graphically.

There's a lot of art styles you can use, but I'm tending towards the ol' snes rpg square enix classics. I've just started my tree creation career and hope to evolve with your help, so here's what I've got thus far, will take a shot on doing a pine tree as well and see if I can apply similar construction.

C&C's are most welcome! And I hope to become a part of the community!


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