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Messages - Chadtech
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Hi there,

I havent posted in a thread in maybe a few months. But Ive been in the pixelation slack channel since about April. Ive been working on making a kickstarter for some pixel software for a while now, and I am (hopefully) really close to launching.

Here is the preview link if you are curious to check it out:

As far as pixel software goes, Im not trying to make anything revolutionary. But what would set CtPaint apart is the fact that it runs in your browser, which enables call kinds of cool web connectivity features, like being super easy to collaborate with others, being able to open any image on the internet, and being able to post directly to social media.

I really want to make software that would be attractive to anyone who hangs out on pixelation, so Im curious to what you might think of how my project looks to you. What do you think?


Job offers / Re: [PAID] - Small works of any sort of 4chan humor
« on: August 03, 2016, 05:34:34 pm »
Thanks for the interest guys! At this point however, Ive gotten the work I was looking for.

Pixel Art / Re: Opening shot of plane scene from The Dark Knight Rises
« on: August 02, 2016, 01:30:59 am »
Thanks Mystery Meat, I had that in mind while making this edit:

Pixel Art / Re: Opening shot of plane scene from The Dark Knight Rises
« on: August 01, 2016, 09:21:49 pm »

Here is where Im at now. Im not really happy with that face.

Pixel Art / Re: Opening shot of plane scene from The Dark Knight Rises
« on: August 01, 2016, 05:30:21 pm »
Wow! Thanks a ton 0xDB! Ill keep all that in mind moving forward. Ill probably just scrap the wing entirely and start over.


You know, I didnt even notice the ears when I first saw it. But yes, I do think the ears make it better. I thought the small details in the torso and in the shoe made 3 the best.

Pixel Art / Re: Tiny Journal (WIP)
« on: July 31, 2016, 06:53:13 pm »
Cool, I think having the torso cycle twice for ever cycle of the legs adds a lot. But maybe you could add more horizontal motion to the torso and arms? Maybe even lower the amount of vertical motion. Right now it looks like his spine is compressing and expanding, rather than bending or swaying (this is especially so around the neck).

Job offers / [PAID] - Small works of any sort of 4chan humor
« on: July 31, 2016, 06:47:50 pm »
Hey guys,

Im trying to advertise a paint software project of mine that I am making into a business. I want to advertise on 4chan and I need three or four banner ads. Ive got a basic template for my banner ads, but I need a few small drawings of 4chan humor or memes.

The images can be no larger than 90x180 pixels. Im currently trying to draw my own images, but I dont think I can produce them fast enough or of the quality I would like.

Email me at Price to be negotiated. Examples of 4chan images Id be happy with: a drawing of Pepe, depictions of Bane or CIA from the Dark Knight Rises.

Like I can see that the wing has some big banding problems.

So my solution is to deliberately break up the stacking pixels, and clearly defined shades of the wing

I can see how there is less banding, but, it doesnt add any sense of form to the wing. It just makes it noisy. I feel like to solve that problem I need to make regions bigger and better defined, which I think would just bring me back to my banding problem.

3 is the best imo.

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