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Messages - Schu
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Pixel Art / R! P! G?
« on: May 07, 2006, 09:23:17 pm »
Been in an RPG mood for a few weeks, and having just finished Atelier Iris 2, I felt like pixeling some doodle I did a while ago.

She had a bow and some arrows hanging on her back but they just looked like golf clubs, so it was removed but I left the weird armor plate in.

General Discussion / Re: Nintendo are revolting!?
« on: April 28, 2006, 05:00:32 pm »
I still call it Game & Stick.

Pixel Art / Re: ghost of the lost drummer boy...
« on: April 12, 2006, 05:23:48 pm »
Ooo neat, Nev (^^)b Though I have to say I thought he was holding ribbons or spewing black ooze from his hands ^^; I'm not entirely sure what that is actually, but the guy is very cool. Nice colours too. For a drummer boy, maybe he should have giant drumsticks as weapons :D

Pixel Art / Re: real pixels
« on: March 31, 2006, 02:26:11 pm »
Ha wicked! I've been meaning to order some myself (easier than that pack of iron-together pegs I still have).

Japanese keyboard for the win! (^o^)b

Pixel Art / Re: Tales of Phantasia Styled Sprite
« on: March 28, 2006, 06:06:20 pm »
They redid the sprites for the GBA version which is what Flame is referencing. It is pretty different from the old SNES ones. Very cute, Flame (^^)b

Say... I don't mean to sound rude or anything, and I'm sure we all appreciate you lending your knowledge and help but I'm starting to feel like this technical stuff about pallettes and GBA legality is really starting to kill any fun factor of this contest and might be scaring away others who haven't submitted their entries yet...

After deleting 5 times I've decided on this and I'm finally pleased, albeit a little sparse...

(40 tiles, 32 colours)

...but after a snickers bar, some ice cider and a lot of Jrock on my winamp:

It seems functional at least.

Vedsten - Your first one was so nice, it was truly my favourite. There was just some weird thing going on with the brick of that back building though, I couldn't tell if it was a slanty, attached piece or if it was going behind the front building. But I have to say, I liked that one so much more than your new one (Though also cool, but too dark for my personal doesn't seem finished so I'm reserved in commenting more on it).

Alex Hanson-White - I like yours as well :) I kind of imagine little dudes skateboarding down around on it.

Awesome work everyone and congrats to Faceless! Hope there will be more of these contests, as they are rather fun! ;D

Hnn yea, I know there's something odd with the boktai legs... I'm trying to render out his bubbly kneecaps but they just end up looking like oddly placed breast (scandalous!) Though I notice they seem to just shade it all dark on the lower part of the legs. Oh well, here's the pack again with a semi-update.


v1 v2

Screentests for fun:
v1 v2

Pixel Art / Re: Vagrant Story 2D and Something else...
« on: February 11, 2006, 07:34:55 am »
Wow :o Always like seeing your stuff ;D Funny, though. I just saw Vagrant Story in the used bin at the store the other day...

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