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Messages - eishiya
Pages: 1 ... 119 120 [121] 122 123 ... 127

Pixel Art / Re: Pixel Art Pack
« on: May 03, 2016, 12:16:09 am »
The biggest issue I see with the shadows isn't that they're not deep enough, but that you're shading details but not the overall form. For example, the Anahutran sprite looks like a flat board with some bits sticking out of it, rather than a fat, rounded mass of tentacles. When you colour, try starting with the overall form, then add shadows and highlights to details afterwards.

Pixel Art / Re: Critique on "Mockup"?
« on: May 02, 2016, 02:21:33 am »
To make the [img] code work, you need the URL that links to the actual image (the one ending in ".png"), not the imgur webpage it's on.
You also don't need to prezoom so much, Pixelation has a zoom feature.

Your shadows blend into the base colour, there's not enough contrast. Because of that, the characters don't read very well. The grey-trousered person's leg also seems to bend very oddly.

Pixel Art / Re: Beam Struggle Doodle
« on: May 01, 2016, 10:49:00 pm »
Things that are glowing, like beams of energy, don't have shading. But, you are on the right track with using something like pillow shading for them. It's just that instead of going from midtone to shadow, you should be going from bright to less-bright. It might also feel more like a glow if the bright part dominates the beam, with only a few darker pixels. Also, where the beams meet, there should probably be more intensity, instead of the beams fading out towards "shadow" before they make contact.

Here's an edit with all of my suggestions:

Pixel Art / Re: [C+C] Tree (Might evolve to general environ.)
« on: May 01, 2016, 05:57:54 pm »
I'm also not liking the leaves hanging down very much. They're a cool idea, but they don't match the large, wider leaf shapes you've drawn at the top of the tree.

The blue and purple are rather abrupt, they don't feel like part of the same ramp, because your dark greens have approximately the same hue (very firmly in the green range), while the blue jumps abruptly into blue and the purple is very abruptly purple. The purple being so light also doesn't really make sense because it looks like you have a secondary light source that's emitting purple light, rather than as a shadow that just happens to look purple in contrast to the yellow sunlight.

Try to break up the silhouette of the tree. Right now it looks like some very smooth balls with leaf-texture painted on them. Try having the leaves actually stick out of the tree. Here's a rough pixel-over to show what I mean:

(I also made your two darker greens bluer for a smoother transition and made the blue darker, and got rid of the purple bit.)

Pixel Art / Re: [C+C] Vordt Of The Boreal Valley
« on: April 29, 2016, 07:45:09 pm »
Yes, that's what I meant! Sorry for not making it clearer.

You have shaded each segment in a way that shows its shape, but I am not sure that it's conveying the creature's forms overall. If the light is above, should the back calf not have more light on it? Shouldn't the textured area in the middle have more light? Since this isn't a real creature I don't know what it's meant to be like, so I'm just guessing at what might help make it look more 3D.

Pixel Art / Re: [C+C] Vordt Of The Boreal Valley
« on: April 29, 2016, 05:16:36 pm »
It's better, and I can now tell what's in front and what's in back, but there's still not a lot of sense of form. Where is your light source, and how does it interact with the forms?

Pixel Art / Re: [C+C] Very first animation
« on: April 29, 2016, 02:36:02 pm »
I don't think you're going to get that looking good at this scale without adding animations for running to the side, or even better, 8-directional animations (with mirroring, that's 5 different animations). Why should the character only have two running animations?

Pixel Art / Re: [C+C] Vordt Of The Boreal Valley
« on: April 29, 2016, 02:08:02 pm »
There is no sense of form, so I can't tell what I am looking at. Every little piece is given the shadow-midtones-highlight range of values, so there's no sense of what's further away from the light or from the viewer and what is closer, or what is in shadows cast from other parts. Light and shadow are your main tools for showing the 3D forms of objects in 2D, and you're not using them for that here.

General Discussion / Re: Grid-based paradigm
« on: April 29, 2016, 01:59:17 pm »
Many level editors support adding objects in this way (it's the same process as creating/placing NPCs, the only difference is they have no scripts or have different types of scripts associated with them). It is rare to find engines that support tile-based non-grid "sprites" out of the box these days; it always seems to require custom code, but it can be done.

The reason it isn't done more often is because it creates a performance hit compared to doing everything grid-based, since it requires more sorting (per FRAME as different characters weave between the static objects) and more pixel-position calculations as the camera moves. You'd think that with modern computers the performance on 2D games shouldn't be an issue, but it still can be, especially if you're making a browser-based or mobile game. Also, for a well-designed tileset and map, the quality difference is often not that noticeable.
And of course, grid-based levels reduce the complexity of the code and the work a level designer has to do.

World tiles can be animated, even dynamically (e.g. to react to wind caused by a player's attack), so for something like wind animation, there's no need to turn things into game objects unless there's another factor requiring it, e.g. if you really want to erase the grid beyond an artist's capability, or those objects are also something the player can walk around and that you can't handle with clever layering. Keeping static objects as part of the world layers, even if they're animated, helps with performance since it avoids unneeded depth-index calculations and reduces the number of draw calls.

Truly interactive objects, such as piles of rocks that can be shoved apart by a player attack or by walking into them, should of course be game objects. Whether they're grid-aligned or not depends on the look you want, but assuming you want a very naturalistic world, why not have them off-grid? That is already how it's done in most games I think, although many keep their interactive objects grid-aligned for aesthetic and gameplay reasons.

Pixel Art / Re: Molten Foundry tileset
« on: April 27, 2016, 12:17:02 am »
I think making a "highlight" that's not very light in value but has a warm hue would work nicely for showing the light from beneath without reading like a playable area.

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