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Topics - lioran
Pages: [1]

General Discussion / cape/cloth tutorial requested
« on: December 09, 2012, 07:48:21 pm »
I see people drawing pixel cape or cloth every now and then and i always think it look really good and easy to draw
but when i try it always turn out badly.
so i was wondering if anyone has or can make a tutorial to explain how to draw them
something like this(sorry only picture i could think of was from a populare commercial game.)

Pixel Art / [WIP] [C+C] male and female character sprite
« on: December 08, 2012, 11:09:37 pm »
Hello I started doing pixel art a few months ago.
I'm currently working on a game where you can select gender
and all type of armor look different
so I drew the characters animation and i'm trying to make sure they are fully done and nice looking before i draw any armor on them and the animation for it.

default sprite (i didn't think this needed a nudity tag but tell me if i was wrong.)

an exemple I tried of some heavy armor.

it happen pretty often that i can tell whats wrong but i just don't know how to fix it
so let me know what you think should be different.

EDIT: I made some change on the female one

on a side note the hair is actually a separate sprite
since there will be different hair style

EDIT 2:I made some more change i made the bottom part slighty higher
not sure much better that is though

EDIT 3: i changed the posture and exagerated the movement a little more
i think thats starting to look better

EDIT 4: i think i got it right
with the armor on it also look pretty nice
lowered the palette scheme alot too... i think it look better that way

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