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Messages - BadMoodTaylor
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Pixel Art / Re: [WIP]Campfire, Tent, and guy
« on: September 24, 2016, 02:43:44 pm »
hi there, very nice job.
i'm a noob (and not actually an artist), but may be you'll find some of this useful:

it seems that you are using 3 different kinds of perspective for the tent, for the fireplace and for human/zombies.

there's no ground shadows, including shadows from the fireplace lighting. check this for example:

maybe you can use less straight vertical lines at some parts of human's sprite (doesn't looks very good, imho)

i'm not sure trees/bushes like this(detailed and contrast) are conforms to the ground/grass like this(which is just filled with color. is it just mockup?). trees are textured, but still flat to me.

lightning on zombies bodies doesn't make sense to me.

hi ovle, thanks for your comment!

Everything still is a work in progress, posting to try and get feedback as I go.  The grass is just a placeholder as I'm not even sure whether the campsite will be on dirt or grass.

I guess those 3 could be described as three different perspectives: tent-oblique; person-flat style; campfire-realistic.  Or maybe you mean it looks like the POV is from three different heights.

Thanks for the link to the image.  I do have small light on grass coming from campfire but I see what you mean by the rings.  Like I said, the grass was just a placeholder but this made me realize maybe I do need some more distance on the light from the campfire.

Some of your other comments point out general problems but not solutions or even the specific cause of the problem:
"lightning on zombies bodies doesn't make sense to me"
"trees are textured, but still flat to me"
Maybe you could say which body part looks off or the light source you perceive vs light source you think it should be.
I'm a beginner in a lot of areas so I know a lot of stuff is off or inaccurate.  So just generally stating the tree looks flat, for example, doesn't give me any direction on what to try.  But I still am happy that you commented.  Thanks!

Here is where I'm at currently, still a lot of this is WIP but feedback welcome:

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP]Campfire, Tent, and guy
« on: September 22, 2016, 01:10:15 am »
I'm sure someone here can help me with some tree and shrub feedback!

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP]Campfire, Tent, and guy
« on: September 21, 2016, 04:38:12 am »
So being not that experienced, I am indecisive and unsure—trying to decide color choice, angle (POV), and light source.

I threw two mock-ups together to try and figure some things out:

By angle I mean: from the way I made the tent and campfire it seems like the POV is higher and it seems like the sky shouldn't be in view (like the first one)

Light source: Haven't done much night art.  Should light source be coming from above (moon/stars/atmosphere) as well as from the campfire?  It seems like the campfire would only light closer objects, but then how do you make the farther away not look flat?

Color choice:  I made a color palette so am trying to stick to that.  But can't decide if it is going to work.  Do I need to work on my palette or just figure out how to make it work?


Pixel Art / Re: [WIP]Campfire, Tent, and guy
« on: September 21, 2016, 04:13:04 am »

A captured gif showing a few animations: headshot, non-lethal shot to shoulder, and slow death.  I have many more animations to go and could definitely improve...

Pixel Art / Re: [C+C] Pixeling a Fox
« on: September 18, 2016, 07:14:00 pm »
Make sure your shading reflects form and texture.  As opposed to simple gradual shading/pillow shading.

Pixel Art / Re: Personal Icon
« on: September 17, 2016, 05:45:54 pm »
This is what I am thinking:

Not sure how big your nose is though!

Pixel Art / Re: Personal Icon
« on: September 17, 2016, 05:40:55 pm »
I like it.  The eyes look a little odd though.  Maybe if the nose is a little more defined or highlighted.  Maybe those are related as I get the feeling that they eyes are scrunched together or cross-eyed.  Also, maybe try eyebrows darker.  Lighter may seem logical but seems distracting.

Other than that I see no issues elsewhere

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP]Campfire, Tent, and guy
« on: September 17, 2016, 05:03:28 pm »
First attempt at animating campfire:

Flames are definitely something I want to practice more and get good at  ;D

Pixel Art / Re: [C+C, WIP] Tileset, need your opinion and input
« on: September 17, 2016, 03:14:03 pm »
I know I might be a bit spammy here... but :D
could this kind of leaves be a thing? no?

Doesn't look much like leaves—don't see any form

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP]Campfire, Tent, and guy
« on: September 17, 2016, 03:07:57 pm »
Edited just the legs here:

The way I changed the lighting makes it difficult to recognize which leg is front and which is back, but I feel like that may not be needed here.

Added belt, may find a different color for it though.

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