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Messages - fskn
Pages: 1 ... 8 9 [10] 11 12 ... 22

Pixel Art / Re: Some characters
« on: May 07, 2021, 09:55:59 pm »
So I tried something and... It ended up virtually identical! :lol:

And mind you, I started from scratch.


Alright, maybe something like this might look just a tiny little bit better:

Or not, I don't know.
I tried to emphasize her bust and hips.
And in this last one I added a shadow of her kid's head onto her chest.


Maybe giving the kid more of a cheek?
And mouths for everybody?


More wind!
EDIT: Oof, just realized the light brown on her chest was meant to be a highlight. I'm such a dummy. :facepalm:

Pixel Art / Re: Swordsman Dancer
« on: May 07, 2021, 01:57:29 pm »
Things like big areas of flat colors should be somewhat easy, but you will most likely have problems with finer stuff like fringes.

But: If you're looking for feedback, please post images and animations in formats such as PNG or GIF, and in 1:1, not scaled up. If you do, then it would be easier for people to paint over or redraw your stuff.

Pixel Art / Re: Some characters
« on: May 07, 2021, 06:39:25 am »
You're doing a great job with the references. Nice, varied poses that have been translating very well into that style.

For your knight, I thought you were initially going for a "come at me, bro" type pose. Were you?

Not that I tried to do that with my drawing, of course. I was thinking about how to represent a big burly guy, and one way of doing that is finding a pose that shows more of his traps. :P
And chest muscles, broad heavy shoulders...


Here's something interesting to pay attention to:

In your reference, the mother is compensating for the weight of her child by leaning back.

Same as this other picture.


EDIT: Now that I see that a fifth time (:P), yours has a very short left arm.
Remember this for a shorthand (erhm... no pun intended), the upper arm goes from the shoulder to the bottom of the ribcage. Double that measure down for the wrist.

2D & 3D / Re: Wing Commander Pixel Art-y Unity Remake
« on: May 06, 2021, 10:42:09 pm »
What! You removed St. John's cigar while with the helmet on?? :lol:

I'm kidding (though that was funny), that's awesomesauce.

Pixel Art / Re: Ophelia - Need Advice on Foliage
« on: May 06, 2021, 10:36:43 pm »
If there's anything glaringly wrong or really terrible...

Nothing. That's just jaw-droppingly good. And I'm so stealing this for my ref. folder.

Pixel Art / Re: PD Tactics Collab Character
« on: May 06, 2021, 10:08:40 pm »
Awesome. Glad you liked it.

Pixel Art / Re: Barbarian sprite with NES specs [C+C]
« on: May 06, 2021, 09:59:17 pm »
Haha, yeah, I had tried doing exactly that with making him go up a pixel and ehh... No. Too weird. So I kept him steady. It does look like a Harvey Toons walk, though.
But OTOH it will help me keep the tile count down.

Also I was undecided to paint his leg dark brown (and I had tried doing that too), but upon seeing your edit now I think it looks better...

I like your frame 2 better. It's clearer, doesn't make everything look like confusing blob.

Thanks for the edit, cels.

Pixel Art / Re: PD Tactics Collab Character
« on: May 06, 2021, 09:17:04 pm »

I thought the flesh tone was getting mixed up with the belt so I added a pixel there, which covered her cute perky little butt, but (butt?) also shaded her shin and angled her foot a bit more.

But (butt?) that's it.

Well, I tried adding a bit more definition to the skirt too... Not sure if I was successful there.


Wait, maybe her left foot could use some shading too.



EDIT2: The other day I did some changes to her mouth too... See if you like it:



*sigh* Alright... Just... Just one more.
But this time it's a suggestion for the text. Not that much of a change, though, just something I thought could sound nice.
We'd lose the word "garrison" though.

Although it you're using an ascender for the bs and ds, then you could probably have capital letters too..?

Pixel Art / Re: Some characters
« on: May 06, 2021, 08:27:28 pm »
Cels, how do you go about doing pixel art? Do you go straight to the pixels, probably with a mouse, or do you sketch it first on the side?
Because you could most likely get more expressive characters, lines, postures, etc. if you tried drawing it first on pen and paper or with a tablet.

Something I did here to illustrate:

Although I recognize it would stiffen up when translating that to pixel art, but your foundation drawing could help guide you to something with more flow.
Or maybe you do want it to be a very clear representation of this one guy for reference or a model sheet or...

Still, it could help you out with your pixellings.

Pixel Art / Re: Some characters
« on: May 05, 2021, 11:03:01 pm »
A third try, with some... changes.

I wasn't sure what was going on with his sleeve, so I tried to make it follow the shape of the arm a little more.
And I'm still undecided about the torso... But I guess it looks better.
I can't tell you exactly what I did there, as I was experimenting placing pixels here and there, whilst trying to follow some sort of musculature.

Oh yeah, his right arm looked too thin to me, comparing with the left, so it's thicker now.

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