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Messages - eghost
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Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Nike Air Force One
« on: October 24, 2007, 05:50:47 am »
This would be an excellent time to find a good tutorial on anti-aliasing...And this is an excellent piece to practice it on given the number of curves and lines that don't present a clean pixel line...

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Selout challenge from PJ
« on: October 24, 2007, 05:38:53 am »
*grins* I actually considered pixeling a snake baby but I didn't get a lot of time for pixeling today, guess I coulda done an egg though... :P
Though I did get some accomplished and here it is...

I'm feeling pretty good about the arm locations, though I am considering moving the left arm out some...

I definitely get what you mean about the shape contrast and while I am feeling better about the tail as it stands I see your point...Might fiddle around with it a bit more once I get down there...

Hopefully I'll get a bit more time to work on this tomorrow...Thanks again y'all...

General Discussion / Re: Official Off-Topic Thread
« on: October 24, 2007, 02:50:14 am »
Quinto Hoover mostly small press stuff, Richard Kane Ferguson (dunno if he did any comics though)...Both of have done art for assorted CCGs for a fact...Humberto Ramos is another one of my faves but his stuff is very stylized...

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Selout challenge from PJ
« on: October 23, 2007, 05:17:47 am »
Ok...I decided to "square one" this piece taking into account all the crits thus far...Spent about 5 minutes with a pen and a Post-It working up the tail into something I thought would flow a bit better and came up with this...

From there I scanned it in fiddled with it a bit and found that it didn't sit real well with the torso...So I reblocked the base parts of the piece, trying to pay especially close attention to the forearms and hands...They're only blocked in atm, but I think the size works a bit better...Also stumbled upon some interesting palette possibilities while I was rotating and scaling the tail sketch so that I could get it to work with the piece...

After spending a lot of time reading and re-reading through the various posts in here I think I'm going to try to use shape and value to determine the outline...Probably a bit more of a skill stretch for me, but I'm all for learning...Thanks again for all the C&C...

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Selout challenge from PJ
« on: October 22, 2007, 06:57:03 am »
Ok...Fairly heavy edit mostly working in pkmay's suggested lines as the tail lines he put up make a lot more sense by way of readability...I'm still tweaking the tail to a point that I like and trying to AA to 50% grey...
Also took the suggested tonal changes from the color edit as well...It still needs a lot of work but I'm definitely feeling better about the direction it's heading in...Thanks again y'all...

Pixel Art / Re: Let's Learn Form!
« on: October 22, 2007, 04:19:31 am »
Insofar as length goes I think his right arm is fairly ok...Maybe a bit short shoulder to elbow, even if bent...The left arm is a bit on the long side, though it looked fine in the first draft...Stylistically speaking I kinda like the direction you were headed in the original...Dunno why but it kinda makes me think Teen Titans...*shrugs*...Looking forward to see where you go from here... :)

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Selout challenge from PJ
« on: October 21, 2007, 11:15:10 pm »
Thank you both very much...
The edit definitely cleared up some things that were giving me fits...I'll see about tossing a progrss piece up as soon as I can get the suggestions implemented...:)
Thanks again...:D

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Selout challenge from PJ
« on: October 21, 2007, 02:20:29 am »
Unfortunately I don't  :(...Though feel free to edit if you want...
[EDIT] Here's the secondary lighting removed...[/EDIT]

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Selout challenge from PJ
« on: October 21, 2007, 02:15:07 am »
@Adarias: I'm assuming you're referring to my (admittedly) rather bad attempt at a secondary light source to the right with the teal colors?
I can only chalk that up to being an (obviously) failed experiment...I'll have to fiddle with it more, via contour blending and such thus giving it the same kind of attention that I heaped on the primary light source...I think I can see a few ways to implement such a critter...

In regards to my use of techniques, in all honesty I poke around at a piece until I find what works to my eye...I can be completely honest when I say that I only really understand AA well and only have a moderately passable artistic talent considering the regulars around here...I throw things up here or at PJ and wait to see what more trained eyes have to say about the matter...

At this point I'm at something of a loss as to where to direct the piece next, and torn between scrapping everything save the torso, sword/spear, and the basic shape of the tail and starting over OR tossing the whole thing into my scrap bin and starting a piece using what I actually understand...

Given that this has stirred up a fairly serious hornet's nest I'm not sure that I should be posting any continuance of this piece here, in spite of the fact that if I want to actually learn something when all of this is said and done this is the best place for it. Considering it's basic premise and my desire not to have to wade through a dozen or so posts bashing the "technique" that is the basis of the challenge to glean the kernels of actual critique and comments on the piece itself...I do appreciate the comments and criticism that the piece has received but I don't see how the current direction of the thread is going to help the piece come to a place that isn't going to offend anyone's sensibilities...

At this point I don't really care if this goes in for the challenge, or for that matter even qualifies for the challenge, I just want to improve the piece to the best of my abilities and maybe stretch my horizons and skills some...*shrugs*

Any rate thanks for staying tuned this long...If anyone wants to toss any C&C at the piece feel free...Thanks again to those who did add their two cents worth on the pic...

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Selout challenge from PJ
« on: October 20, 2007, 11:54:20 pm »
*blinks* Well...I definitely feel like I have a better handle on the theory behind several different outlining techniques...
That said I've got a new progress piece...Which upon further consideration and looking at the various examples looks like crap in many ways... :(
After reading through the book that this thread is rapidly becoming, I'm definitely thinking that I'm going to have to take an hour or three off from staring at this thing and see if I can come back to it with a more unified outlining concept in mind, because I can see both forms in use atm, and its causing much head scratching on my end...

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