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Messages - The 7th Sin
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Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Beach and Robo-kid
« on: May 28, 2010, 05:30:52 pm »
Update on the little robot guy.

I tried to soften the image by removing the harsh black outline and an overall lightening of the gray-black colours.

As always C+C is welcome! ^_^

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Beach and Robo-kid
« on: May 22, 2010, 01:26:16 pm »
Well thanks Ultimaodin, I do appreciate your help a lot! :D
I'll try and post an update soon.

Pixel Art / [WIP] Beach and Robo-kid
« on: May 14, 2010, 09:42:12 pm »
Hello everyone,

I'll just dive right in and get straight to the point. :)

My first piece is a little robot man, I have done some work on him, but am having trouble getting the highlights and shadows right.
I would appreciate any assistance or direction for this little guy.
(I'll just note I am trying to create a "backlit" effect)


My second piece is a beach scene.

I have worked on this quite a bit and gotten the main ideas of the piece relatively well hammered out, there are just a few points I would like some suggestions on.
1. The clouds, I have worked on them quite a bit, and just wondered what some real pixelers had to say about my technique.
2. The beach itself, I made some dunes to create interest, and not just a bland surface; and I wondered if you guys might have some suggestions or techniques to create more of a "sandy" look to the terrain.

Of course if there is something you see, but I have not mentioned, feel free and make comment of it! ;)

The 7th Sin

Hello everyone, I just figured I would drop by and introduce myself.

My name is The 7th Sin, I am a noob level pixel artist, meaning I have relatively little experience with pixel art. :)

Previous to pixel art, I worked extensively with signatures, and digital art with The GIMP.
My previous artwork is all showcased here,

Other than pixel art, I am an avid film fan, music junkie and pretty much everything else a good artsy kid is supposed to be.

I guess that pretty much wraps things up, I am very happy to have arrived at such a friendly, inspiring and altogether awesome forum!

The 7th Sin

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