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Messages - Anbaraen
Pages: [1]

General Discussion / Re: Introductions
« on: July 13, 2008, 01:06:02 pm »
Hey, I'm Will(Anbaraen, although Anbar or An are acceptable.) I'm from Australia. I've been lurking these forums for a while, after I got briefly interested in pixel art. I was browsing my bookmarks about 3 weeks ago and saw Pixelation. I foolishedly clicked on it, and am now hopelessly in love with pixel art. I haven't gotten around to doing any of my own. (Although I will be soon...) I'm 15, but I hope you won't stereotype me like some internet users do into being an idiot. I'm afraid my age-group has made rather a bad impression on the wider community, but I know that you guys at Pixelation only care about the art.

Just a small question.. Does anyone know of a homebrew pixelling program for the DS? I've been looking around a bit, but all I could find was the game Drawn To Life, which quite frankly is mediocre. I found some painting apps, but I really would like a pixelling app for my DS. Thanks in advance for anyone who can hook me up.

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