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Messages - Rnd
Pages: 1 [2]

After a few attempts I came up with this, though it still looks a bit weired so any help on improving it would be appreciated.

hmm well i think it shows that you do in fact know what youre doing, you seem familliar and comfortable with pixels.

my first impression is 'ah neat', its kindof nice to look at for a glance, but on my eye's second looping of the image, there were some substantial anatomy issues that were uncloaked by the technique of the pixels which then turned into glaring things that my eye couldnt pull away from. 

First and fore most, the upper area of the arm on the right (doing the hand symbol), is totally out of whack, it kindof looks like one of those bugs cartoons where the muscles in the arm sags to illustrate they are less than weak. In general, the forearm should not be that much longer than the upper arm by any means, and in general the upper arm has potential to have larger girth, though i think that the width of the upper arm on the arm to the left is passable, but is dwarved a bit by the size of the respective deltoid group. The striations of muscles that run across the chest i dont believe should ever 'connect' the way they do in your sample here, which makes it look like someone sort of folded the torso in half like  a peice of paper as if intentful to fold the pectorals symetrically, leaving a large crease :P. one last major thing i would have a gripe with is the placement of the individual fingers on the hand to the left. while i think you got a good concept of how the hand should work, the fingers themselves look too spread out, placing that index finger more in the area of where the thumb should be located, making it look rather disjointed.

colorwise i think its pretty solid, i think the face/head is strongest all around given the diversity of hues. it would be nice to see you incorporate this teal-ish hue into the shaded regoins of the entire body to keep the ambience consistent, not to mention it being a stronger match for skintone choices rather than the famous indian reddish tones (i fall into this trap a lot too :P) . one last gripe about the skintone shading is that the clefts and striations look very deep, (from using really dark shades, not much variation in line weight, and not letting the softer skin tone dominate the surface area me t hinks).

its a shame it sounds like you wont finish it, it looks like it could come out to be a strong peice. got any other WIP's hidin around here? *looks round*

edit*  by the way, welcome to the boards, i think youll find out very soon this is certainly the place for learning, and everyone is often humbled with strong criticism to help the aspiring pixel artists here, its a great place to improve!

Thanks for the C/C, I can see where you mean by the screwed anatomy  :P I am going to try and fix those and the colours and see how it comes out.

I do intend on finishing this, just having a bit of problem finishing it at the moment.

I see the dreaded x of doom...
That's strange... I am pretty sure it worked when I first post it, and now it doesn't... I'll try another site.

edit: here's an update to the problems mention, so hopefully he doesn't look like he has a full body rash anymore :P
also I've attempted to fix the left arm abit, at first I couldn't really see what's so wrong with it... so I just sit there and keep staring at it, after a few minutes the 'bug' arm seem to just jump out and punched me in the face, so it was like... damn... :P anyway, enough rambling from me, so hopefully the arm doesn't look so 'bugged' anymore.

Pixel Art / hello nice people :) new fella here... and a WIP too...
« on: June 22, 2006, 10:35:45 am »
I guess a small introduction is in order...

Well, I've been doing this on and off for propably close to a year now, though really haven't got much improvement to show for it especially for the last month or two, and I hope that all you nice people can help me improve. :-X

Though I think that this is a very nice and enjoyable way to waste some time, I admit that rather I much rather look at other people's work than make my own and have a habit of not finishing most of what I started. :D

anyway... here's the WIP

I am having some problems finishing this off, mostly with the abdomin and how to colour it without it looking as if attatch to the arm, so any tips on that would be greatly appreciated.

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