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Messages - zeid
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General Discussion / Re: Official OT-Creativity Thread [Nudity]
« on: September 09, 2007, 10:54:19 am »
Another head study. Any suggestions on improving this face, ignoring the ears (they aren't done).

Pixel Art / Re: 2 little guys, need c&c
« on: August 12, 2007, 05:00:40 pm »
I am not a fan of the skull guy. It looks like you tried to create more complex shapes then you should have for his face and in doing so lost a lot of depth. When dealing with this scale the main thing to focus on is depth and lighting (the exercise Adam Atomic suggested sounds very good for that). On the point of lighting, your bird man (who I like a fair bit) isn't lit as well as he/she/it should be. You seemed to have ditched the light direction when highlighting his arm closest to us. By touching up his knees a tad he gains a little more of a supported look and reaffirms a better sense of balance. you can also ditch some colours (probably more then in my edit) and if you want him to have a gut add another highlight in there (didn't do in my edit). Also something to note is when shading your line art you aren't dealing with a colouring book, feel free to break lines up if it will look better.

Pixel Art / Re: fighter sprite
« on: August 06, 2007, 05:56:05 am »
I was just about to say that and provide a little edit.

This edit has some guide lines to help give a 3d impression I put them in last for your benefit. You may notice even though he may be wearing jeans I sketched it out as though he had none. At this stage try and get the body right, such things as clothing drapes around the body and so it is imperative that the structures underneath the clothing look correct (they don't need detail just the right shape and correct impression of depth). You also left out the feet and hands, really they will help if you get them at least in as place holders. Your previous feet had a lot of issues regarding perspective and looked a little like they should have been on someone who was flying, this may have been caused by putting them on without a guide. The chest area I tweaked a bit so it was shaped more, again this may be the clothing thing. Your silhouette gives a hunched impression from the way you have shaped the chest and over lengthened the shoulders. Your arms are to fat, the forearm should get smaller as it slopes towards the wrist and the elbow should protrude more. The shoulders need to be brought in more (as mentioned previously). My edit is by no means all correct but it is closer. You may notice I didn't tackle pose at all. I think the pose is a bit flimsy for a fighter, it isn't at all aggressive or all that defensive. The arm positioning still confuses me and the legs are a bit to close together still.

Pixel Art / Re: fighter sprite
« on: August 05, 2007, 02:30:23 pm »
Well when you really think about it, it should be much more fun (easier and make more sense) then going over, and over the piece until you work out every single little mistake. Seeing as you have to amend so much regarding anatomy and pose you will have to remove all the details either way as you attempt to fix areas and reposition things. The only difference is doing it the way you are doing now requires you to go over it one piece at a time, which can get confusing and leads to a worse result then I'm suggesting. If your piece had a few small errors then it would be stupid going right down to the basics, but this isn't the case. At present it is actually quite hard to tell what you want the piece to look like which makes it very hard for us to critique. If you go back to a silhouette we can say how the different structures will look and should be positioned, after we say that you have the shape right you can add all the detail you want. By all means keep the colours from the old one, they aren't my primary concern I really am concerned for the anatomy and pose of the piece. Also I don't see why you would delete the old version, is your computer that low on hard drive space. ::)

Pixel Art / Re: fighter sprite
« on: August 05, 2007, 09:48:37 am »
its funny because in my first version (which was alot less better than this) zeid said the head was too far forward, now its too far back
3. his head is not placed on his neck correctly, it should be back further, right now it looks as though it is connecting to the middle which doesnt leave room for much of a jaw and also gives a bit much of a chin to the back of his head.
Actually yes on the other forum I made a mistake in my wording but if you re-read it all then it will make sense, particularly with the edit I provided.

As you can see from the edit (though far from perfect [please ignore the pose it was a slight attempt at correcting you anatomy]) the head neck alignment is more correct then your current one. When I included the phrase "it should be back further" I was referring to the position of both the neck with the head.
I also mentioned that the jaw hadn't enough room so I am in complete agreement with LoTekK
It's sitting too far back on the neck.
this is your previous version compared to your current version. I wouldn't say the old version was better at all. I would say that you should ditch the details and get a nice structure first (make a silhouette) you may use different colours to represent different parts that could overlap, for instance 1 red arm, 1 blue body, 1 green arm, etc. Then we can all help you get the form and pose right in a more step by step fashion (of course whether you wish to is up to you, if anyone agrees or thinks this would be too major say so). Right now you seem very distracted by details that makes the piece look bad overall I think that this could help.

General Discussion / Re: Bad at what i like
« on: August 05, 2007, 03:04:45 am »
Really if you can't find something to draw (which is very odd) do some cliche studies. Do anatomy studies, face studies, animal studies, etc. If you keep doing these then you will get good at drawing/art in general. If you look the good pixel artists on this site don't just be really, really good at pixel art techniques, they are good at art in general; forms, balance, volume, colour theory, etc. So no matter what medium you use these are the things you need to learn. I recommend drawing, because you can do it all the frikin time!!! It is quick, you can be sketchy and fast and whirl out a heap of different starts of studies in a couple hours, hence you will get better faster then most other mediums. But in all honesty it doesn't matter what medium you use as long as you do something, if the mediums you have tried aren't 'fun' enough for you then maybe you are an art enthusiast not an artist ;)

I usually have less of an art block problem and more of a stay the hell focused on one piece problem, as I tend to want to jump around so I can't sympathize with you there.

General Discussion / Re: Official OT-Creativity Thread [Nudity]
« on: August 04, 2007, 10:59:20 am »
yeah I thought it made sense  !yus!
1 thing with the front view Splat, the lines coming out of the collar bone area seem to give the impression the shoulder is angled oddly and sticky forth obscurely. I'm sure this is a minor issue and someone else would be able to give a much more in depth critique (I probably could give a little more if I tried a bit harder) but this was bugging me :P. Luv your work so far by the way. Oh and I like Ptoings giant robotish business suit man thingo (from a fair few posts back). I'm working to fix the face I did to get it to a very human generic look... Heres a progress shot:

I am working on all the upper face still; eyes, forehead, brow,etc. Oh and of course I am still adding detail to the ears :P (I now understand that I have a lot more 'brushes' then I thought I did meaning I can push in not just drag out the mesh). There are other areas I am tweaking on the lower part of the face as well (I just fixed the indent above the upper lip, wateva its called, so this progress shot is old).
update/complete for now I think I want to give the face study a rest for a bit. So yes I know the ear still looks off :P

General Discussion / Re: Official OT-Creativity Thread [Nudity]
« on: August 03, 2007, 05:33:46 am »
I got Zbrush :crazy:
It is one sexy program!
First piece decided to go for a face study, not that happy with it as it isn't as generic a face I would have liked. I just found the file which I had thought was saved wrong :P. Experimenting with new programs is always fun.

My second piece another face study about an hour for this one

This was my 3rd experimentation with the program it would have been about an hour for the low res then maybe 30mins for the high res details (Zbrush has a brush system with alphas making 3d texturing=supa sxc). Just as I finished the low res I found out that the brushes not only have a add function but a subtract function. I knew it was in there somewhere but couldn't find it and it REALLY helps. Faster working for me now.

Pixel Art / Re: Four races
« on: August 02, 2007, 06:40:39 am »
 ??? how did that work so well. Good pick there Souly the cross eyed look was freaking me out for so long but that seems to fix it beautifully. The ditching of the ponytail looks good if you want to bring it back (It has always looked good in your running animations) I would say you should try some different hair designs. Top work so far. My input for the Chimbies is make them look more like gnomes from WOW, that was the first thing I thought of when you mentioned their society. A pair of goggles would be nice, either resting on the head or over the eyes. I think the clothes look pretty good, tuffs of messy hair would also help as there is little time for vanity whilst working. I made an edit trying to give him a cute look with a slight techno edge. A few stray hairs on the head would have sold this a lot better.

Oh some big leather gloves would look good also, protect the hands from some mishaps during time in the Nike factory ;)

Pixel Art / Re: Four races
« on: July 30, 2007, 08:41:00 am »
I think the eyes are really nasty looking also making the main character (I assume from your previous work) human look the most incorrect of all of them.

I made some design edits and some more minor technical edits. Firstly I changed the characters eye, I also messed around with the hair colour and added another skin highlight whilst not adding any colour to the colour count. I personally find the pony tail a little ugly with the scruffy hair design. In your old design however with the more flat hair I didn't mind it as much. I really didn't get the far left characters teeth, I just changed it because I felt like it. I added another highlight to the girl and purple left guys hair to match the main character. I really like the Morrolites design, your edit really changes the character a lot I must say. Prior it gave a very nice Asian elder feel now it gives a very Greek elder feel, either is good (I like a lot  ;D) but both will have drastic ramification's on the environments that they should be placed in. I changed his lil' hairs, I did this because out of all the characters he is the only one with a light colour outside his lines, A dark extension on his outline is more acceptable and may allow him to better suit his environments. I didn't touch the Ghron. The Chimbies I really unnecessarily used his white as an extra highlight as I felt it looked a little wasted. I hope some of my minor changes and ranting helps a little, though my content seems a little limited in regards to useful information sorry.

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