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Messages - zeid
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Pixel Art / Re: Starship Game Sprites Dump
« on: May 16, 2008, 04:48:13 am »
The powerups look great, but the rest looks fairly poor.
The ship is definately not as realistic looking as the ball, try and define the forms and volumes of the ship better.
You can ditch 1 of the light colours from the powerup, maybe even 2 due to the speed of movement.

Pixel Art / Anime Girl
« on: May 16, 2008, 04:30:58 am »
This was an old image I drew then scanned in ages ago and made line art from
I'm using it in a tutorial for AA and line weight for begginers. what are peoples impressions of the image so far... Still Work In Progress. Areas complete are the eyes, mouth, nose, cheek, jaw and front of neck. Areas that need to be done are the hair, eyebrows, earing and back of neck.

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP]Fighting Horse
« on: May 13, 2008, 02:35:50 am »
My attempt at an edit.
Basically I just redid all the colouring. Remember its all about picking a light source (Top is typical for a game character) and then highlighting and shading to go with this light source. Also don't forget subtle hue shifts to improve the appearance and add a sense of realism. In my edit there is a lot of subtle expression of detail, it might be a good idea to zoom in and see how I went about things so you can emulate the detailing I have showed. This might be a bit to detailed for you to handle whilst creating animations, it will become very time consuming if you go as far as I have on this still for each frame of the animation.

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP]Fighting Horse
« on: May 13, 2008, 01:06:16 am »
The pixeling needs a fair bit of work. The animation looks pretty sweet mostly, you should make some more fluent movement in the jump slash as right now he looks a little like he isn't putting any effort into it, just lifting his legs and floating. I might give a pixel edit shortly but mostly it just seems a little sketchy.

Pixel Art / Re: Games Revisited
« on: May 12, 2008, 09:14:42 pm »

An update... with 2 possible palette choices to chose from. 'Arm is finished'. Any suggestions for improvement, also which colours do people prefer.

Galathore!!! A new bad guy for Copperhead. I think he might need some further character design more than anything else.

Pixel Art / Re: Blob Bash
« on: April 11, 2008, 05:44:48 pm »
Thanks Sharpm, you raise some good points. Particularly about the readability it might have served me better to have made the sprites larger to allow for more detail rather then cramming it in. I was trying to make it look as if its skull was suspended inside its ooze and its body was transparant, but the many highlights from its slimey nature reduce the readability significantly. I think if I really exagerate the animations it will infer the detail better, for instance even the idle animation could show the skull rocking from side to side suspended in the blob. The blobs dont have legs, the movement animations will show it dragging itself along.

I draw it on a black and white background to test how it will look in game, I usually also throw in a range of greys. Its to see if the highlights, shadows and midtones significantly cause the image to break apart and get damaged on different extremes. I think the ranges I have are ok so I don't think I will outline it.

Im going to attempt to animate it later then depending on the result I might scrap the current look opting for one closer to what you have.

Pixel Art / Games Revisited
« on: April 10, 2008, 08:48:22 pm »
I haven't posted for aaaagggeeesss so hi everyone new and everyone old. :)

I lately have been having the erge to revisit my games that I begun/finished when I first got into game making. The idea of this piece was for a game which I attempted to make some time ago. It was meant to be a multiplayer game in which players would have to kill one another with a variety of different guns, the twist was you played as blobs!!! (yeah not that amazing) The game play was meant to be like realtime worms.

Ok, I know this piece isn't much but wanted to get as much critique as I could on it. I am somewhat satisfied with it but as it is a character sprite it needs to be as cool as possible. Yes I know it looks gritty and dead, this was deliberate as I am tired of the cute slime stereotype and wanted to make something that looked like it was going to absorb you in a grotesque evil manner.

I might later add guns, animation, etc. which will get 'glued' onto it.
The next revisited character
Copper Head

Still very WIP, hopefully will turn out more to my liking in a later update.

2D & 3D / Re: Official OT-Creativity Thread 2
« on: January 11, 2008, 11:34:51 pm »
Well i didn't know who Dr. Manhattan was, until now so I'm afraid it's just some random blue guy.

2D & 3D / Re: Official OT-Creativity Thread 2
« on: January 10, 2008, 01:21:03 pm »
Speaking of naked peoples with wacked out anatomy :P

Still very much WIP, but I haven't been on the forum for so long that I felt a need to post something in case someone decided to pronounce me legally dead. I was feeling pretty proud of this and thought I should get some ideas on how I could improve it so looked up pixelation... Suddenly I wasn't feeling as proud as before, it's always good to get some perspective ;)

The anatomy is intentionally distorted, it is meant to look very close to human without actually being one. However feel free to critique away as if it were human, just keep in mind the arm is intended to look as distorted as it does.

@ SplatPixel I love the stuff and it of course shows great technique and skill, but I to would like to see you break the style as I'm also tiring of it. But not merely the Style rather the content, like Opacus said.

Pixel Art / Re: Alien
« on: November 02, 2007, 03:42:30 pm »

Alien walk animation, still WIP but gives a good impression of how it is progressing.  Technically the project is at a halt until further notice but I thought I might as well get as much feed back as I can for now.

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