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Messages - freezemebaby
Pages: [1]

General Discussion / Re: unpaid work: any chance of finding artist?
« on: June 15, 2008, 02:22:13 pm »
I created a new threat. Maybe it works.

I have some contacts left, not as much as I had before, but I'm trying them. My new contacts are more regular artists. I think there is a huge difference between pixelating and regular drawing, but maybe there isn't, I'm not an expert. I'll ask some of them too.

Thanks for your reply!

General Discussion / unpaid work: any chance of finding artist?
« on: June 15, 2008, 11:57:18 am »

I posted an unpaid request a week ago, but that does not seem to help much in finding a pixel artist.

What is the key to finding one? Networking? But where to start with that if you're not an artist yourself?

Pages: [1]